Is it possible for you to review the first article of the WT magazine entitled "One True Church" in your next Watchtower Study post?
Request for Blondie
by JWnomore 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
JWnomore, I depend on the help of another poster who scans only the study articles and e-mails them to me.
I checked what I have for the study articles through 11-30-03 and that is not an article I have.
I think it might not be a main article, is that correct? If so, could you send me a scanned copy. I will send you a PM as to where to send it.
I'd like to see a review on that one too! Pretty please?
kj, you are making me curious now. I think I'll probably find some good research by other people.
check your email blondie = )
I'm a Blooded Washed Born-Again Christain
The Body of Christ is maded up of all born-again believers. There are MANY Denomination's in the Body of Christ, there are little different's here an there but the key is they ALL have the REAL JESUS of scripture.Which is Almighty God in the Flesh.Also that salvation is by Grace alone.
The Cult Groups like the JW's, Mormons, SDA, etc are NOT part of the Body of Christ Because they have the Wrong Jesus!.
I hope this helps