Jesus paid the price in full.
The above statement is an assumption. It can only be true if you submit to the "original sin" doctrine and the Adam-Eve story/account, and if you believe God the Father was bloodthirsty (or whatever the appropriate term would be) to demand that his Son be brutally murdered by fearful and power-hungry people in order to satisfy his perfect "purpose".
Why then have others been crucified,thrown to the wild beast,burned alive,and brutally treated if Jesus went through the sufferings for Christians.
Well if one believes the teachings of Jesus, he did say that a slave is no greater than his master, and if they have persecuted him (Jesus) they would persecute you also. Therefore Christians took this prophecy and made every instance of persecution a badge of honor. They continued to go against the grain and the norms of society in order to believe and spread their uncommon beliefs. This continued until the Christians "normallized" or "compromised" or whatever.
What value can there be in this repetitive untold suffering of the innocent Christian men woman and children? The price being paid in full already should satisfy Justice,where is the justice in its continuance of horrible human suffering?Is the price paid in full or not?
Ahhh..there's the $64,000 question. (Or the $1 million dollar question in modern game-show terms.) This line of questioning assumes that the Creator is the owner of and is interested in "justice", and that the price paid is due to HIM. But who knows if the Creator is really interested in what happens here on earth. Fundamental religionists tend to insist he does care, and in fact point to small "miracles" in their own life or to certain happenings that they are CONVINCED could not have happened without divine intervention. On the other hand, if God really cared about mankind and had the will to act in their behalf to bring out "paradise" or whatever better future a brand of religion teaches, then why hasn't he already acted? What is he waiting for? If more people suffer, does that make him more righteous, or less?
Your line of questioning here is entirely valid. Just remove the word "Christian" from your first question. All kinds of innocent men, women and children suffer, and no justice is served.