misquoting creationists? ofcourse not!

by greven 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greven

    Original text ommitted in the post is in bold; additions/substitutions are in italics:

    GENEVA, N.Y. -- For apple maggots, the dating scene is simple — flies only mate on a specific host fruit. Using new technology developed at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University researchers have demonstrated that this fact of fly life has resulted in the emergence of two distinct races of the pest in just 150 years.

    In research published in the Online Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Website on Sept. 22, the scientists show that one mechanism by which these flies find their host plant is a preference for specific blends of fruit odors. The preference is both strong enough and sensitive enough that the two races of maggot no longer interbreed — the first step in the evolution of a new species. The discovery, the researchers say, opens up a possible new area of organic pest control. is best supported by the theory of creation.The researchers at the Geneva Experiment Station, part of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell, Ithica, N.Y., are Charles Linn, Satoshi Nojima and Wendell Roelofs. Their collaborators are Jeffrey Feder from the University of Notre Dame and Stewart Berlocher from the University of Illinois.

    Evolutionary biologists theorize that two populations of a species must be isolated from each other if they are to develop into two distinct species — and Darwin provided the example of one species of bird diverging and becoming reproductively isolated on separate islands in the Galapagos. But geographic isolation has never resulted in the emergence of two distinct species. Recently it has been proposed that the separation need not be geographic or even physical. A shift in the use of a new host plant for mating and the laying of eggs could be enough to keep insects that occupy the same area at the same time from mating. This process is termed "sympatric speciation," and that is what the researchers believe has happened with hawthorn maggots. Once again though, they still have the capacity to interbreed.
    The apple and hawthorn maggots are common names for the same species, Rhagoletis pomonella. The pest and the hawthorn plant are native to North America, but the apples they now infest were introduced from Europe around 250 years ago. During the 1860s, in New York’s Champlain Valley, some hawthorn flies shifted to apple plants as their host, while others did not.

    "There are no morphological differences between the two, so they are still the same species, but two races can be distinguished by looking at the diversity of protein structures of whole populations and by the specificity of individual flies to different host plants," so this doesn't lend much support to the theory of evolution," explained Roelofs, who is the Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor of Insect Biochemistry at Cornell.

    R. pomonella has been studied for many years, but it was only with the development by postdoctoral researcher Nojima of sophisticated laboratory techniques to select the key components of fruit odors that the behavior of the insects could be rigorously tested.

    Using a process called solid phase micro-extraction, volatiles were absorbed from the fruit and identified in a gas chromatograph using a live insect’s own antennae as part of the detection process to determine which volatiles the flies use for host-plant identification. Once key compounds were identified, Linn ran behavioral tests in a flight tunnel. Blends of the apple and hawthorn volatiles identified in the lab were synthesized and then tested for insect behavior. If the insect recognized the test odor, it oriented itself toward the source and flew upwind to reach it. The scientists found that almost exclusively apple maggots only responded to apple odors, and hawthorn maggots only responded to hawthorn odors.

    Behavioral tests were also conducted in the field. Traps were baited with one of the two blends and placed in hawthorn stands and apple orchards. Just as in the lab, the flies of one race largely ignored, or even avoided, the chemical scent of the other race’s fruit.

    "The results in the field are really very strong," said Linn. "It adds a level of validation that we also saw the same pattern in field trials in Michigan and Indiana." "It shows pretty conclusively that when members of a species resist mating with each other they still have the capacity to do so. This is not what one would expect from evolution."In addition to the impact on ecology and evolutionary biology the theory of creation, the research has several applications. Other scientists at Cornell already are using the blends developed in this research to monitor populations of hawthorn and apple maggots in orchards and fields across New York state.

    The team also identified several components of hawthorn and flowering dogwood — a third member of the R. pomonella species complex. These blends are not simply ignored: some actually deter apple maggots. Roelofs' lab has begun field trials to see if introducing the dogwood and hawthorn odor, or components of it, into apple orchards or around the fruit itself could provide a means of organic pest control against the apple maggot.

    The research was funded by a $1.6 million grant from the National Science Foundation.

    find this post here:

    Real pressrelease:


    What was this guy thinking?! The additions are obvious!

    I wasn't the one to discover this, someone from infidels.org has that honor. Find it here:



  • maybesbabies

    The depths some people would sink to!!!! They can't find a real argument, so they hijack and re-write science!!!

  • Abaddon


    This is a pet hate of mine... ik heb een hekel over het...

    I mean, how STUPID can you be?

    "Oh, God won't mind me imitating his arch enemy Satan by lying as long as I do it in service of him".

    Not that I believe that, but they're meant to.


    I mean if Joe Bloggs is dishonest, you figure, "hell, some people are dishonest".

    If Joe Creationist is dishonest, he's an even bigger scumbag, as almost without exception the reasons for him supporting creationism are religious, and this carries with it a specific moral code, which they throw out of the window when it suits them, but are often very quick to use to condemn others actions on other occasions.

    There was a guy on the Evoltuion or Creation thread who used a quote (I don't know whether he lifted them in ignorance from a Creationist site or did it himself) where it was made out humans and chimps couldn't be related as their number of chromosomes is different. Exactly the same chromomal difference exists between chimps and humans as between donkeys and horses, which are so related they can breed, so this is either bad science or a lie. He also used another one where a science paper showing that primates and humans have differences in the make-up of their cell membranes was used to claim that humans and primates could not be related. It left out the line in the abstract that indicated the difference was obviously due to the mutation arrising AFTER we or the other primates diverged off from our common ancestor, so this is just a lie by ommision.

    It really disgusts me. I think we've all been lied to enough by people who are either doing it in ignorance (no excuse), or doing it in full knowledge (less excuse and contemptable) to find this unacceptable.

  • greven

    And we all remember the king of misquotes: Life, how did it get here by evolution or creation?

    I mean even the title is a false dichotomy!


  • gaiagirl

    The term 'Creation Science' which some fundamentalists promote is an oxymoron. The scientific method is to:

    Examine the physical evidence first, then form a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, and draw conclusions based on results of tests.

    The creationist method is to:

    Decide what you believe, then select those scriptural verses which support your position. Ignore all physical evidence which doesn't support your position. Falsify evidence as needed to discredit those who don't agree with you. Repeat as often as possible.


  • Abaddon

    gaiagirl: for someone with 3 posts you seem to have grasped the essentials of it rather quickly!!!

    Welcome... I await (with unheld breath) for a decent conversation with a Creationist.

    I find particulary funny they go for bits of general evolutionary theory that are usually ridiculously well attested to in principle, even if details are subject to revision in line with new discoveries.

    I know there are some problems regarding certain characterictics of man that actually are quite hard to explain. The fact that Creationists have never in my experience ONCE gone for what are 'weak spots' in human evolutionary theory (here or on their pestilential web of lies, I mean web sites) tells me my assumption regarding their level of knowledge of evolution (based on debate) are well founded. They don't know what evolution is half the time; they just know it's 'wrong'.

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