Bless and tested by GOD...Which is it?

by James Mixon 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    The wife and I discussing blessing and being tested by Jehovah. Most of her friends church going

    folks and so are my friends and family. The wife and I are having a wonderful life, we are not

    church people so are we blessed or tested by God? Her friends health and financial problems, but

    when you talk with them they are being tested by God, the same with JW family members.

    What is the point for a believer to be tested for his or her faith, they believe in you GOD.

    I guess Satan is blessing me and he don't test people.

    So we have GOD testing you your whole life and maybe some favors in between and Satan don't

    give a damn what you do and you receive gifts from him.

    My JW family tell me Satan is tricking me. LOL

    It should be one test, Do you believe in me and that's it.....

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Bless and tested by GOD...Which is it? - it's both.

    What He giveth with His right hand He taketh away with His left.

  • fukitol

    Christians to a tee say God can't save starving and malnourished babies and toddlers or stop them dying in wars because that would be interfering in our free will; yet this same God answers these smug western, overweight, BMW driving Christians prayers and "blesses" them.

    What a sick joke and pathetic contradiction.

    I say f*ck such a contradictory and morally repugnant God.

  • OneEyedJoe
    It's so simple, guys. When you're a Christian anything good that happens to you is good blessing you. Anything bad is Satan trying to test you and break your faith. Then when Christians look at nonbelievers and see good things happening to them, well obviously that's Satan trying to reward them to keep them on their path to hell. When something bad happens to a nonbeliever, it's god punishing them and trying to get them to turn back from their wayward course. What could make more sense than that? Surely you don't think it's just that good and bad things happen to everyone regardless and independent of their beliefs, or lack thereof. That would just be a ridiculous proposition.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    We damned if we do and we damned if we don't.
  • stuckinarut2
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    stuckinarut2: Thanks , that hit the nail on the head.

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