"Serving" as a woman

by Dawn 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    This would somewhat apply to anyone who "served" in areas as a 'dub but especially to women. There were always those areas that women simply were not allowed to serve. And even the most menial tasks such as serving lunch on a quick build or cleaning toilets at the kh required "good standing" and an approval by the elders I guess I have always had a servant's heart - I want to help people. Ultimately - I served a lot on these small jobs and was also turned down a lot because I had a tendancy to get in trouble....

    So skip ahead 15 years. I'm now at a new church. A couple years back they needed help in the sunday schools and asked for volunteers. I volunteered to help in my daughter's class. And.....behold......that was it - no discussion if I was approved, no talk with the elders, just a big THANKS!! and what days can you be available. It's embarassing to admit now - but I was stunned. When I told some of the people there why I was shocked they were even more shocked! They couldn't believe the level of control at the org.

    Well, I enjoyed the kids and the sunday school so much that I started doing more - and now am one of many volunteers for the children's music camp - we meet every wednesday night and currently have 94 kids enrolled. Well....still no discussion about approval status, how many hours I have shared the word. They didn't even mind that I have not officially become a "member" because I am still questioning some of their teachings. Just a lot of THANKS for making yourself available to help us.

    My brother (an elder) was telling me recently that he and some friends are working "quick builds" almost every weekend - and they made up some fun t-shirts that said "I'd rather be Quick building". They were counseled by other elders and are no longer allowed to wear the shirts at the quick builds.

    How lame. Serving is supposed to be joyful - it is supposed to be something that empowers both the person doing the serving and the person being served - like me with the kids. I come home feeling great.

    It just hits me - serving under the JW org in ANY status is a heavy load. Even when it's supposed to be something fun.

    How sad.

  • sens
    It just hits me - serving under the JW org in ANY status is a heavy load.

    sad .... but true

  • jwbot

    the bORG sucked the life and fun out of everything. :(

  • caspian

    Dawn LOL

    My brother (an elder) was telling me recently that he and some friends are working "quick builds" almost every weekend - and they made up some fun t-shirts that said "I'd rather be Quick building". They were counseled by other elders and are no longer allowed to wear the shirts at the quick builds

    We wern't allowed to wear sleeveless t shirts , had to have short sleeves

    And logo shirts either with messages on the front

    e.g Relax Or Choose Life ( must dig those out again)

    Cas :)

  • drwtsn32

    Great post Dawn!! So very true... so many things are such a pain in the organization. You don't realize (until after you leave) how everything you do is controlled by the org.

    I'm glad that you have been able to find something so much better.

  • Dawn

    how everything you do is controlled by the org

    EXACTLY!! Even a party in your own home was controlled as to who you could invite, what you could do or watch. gag



    It just hits me - serving under the JW org in ANY status is a heavy load. Even when it's supposed to be something fun.

    I sure relate to what you are saying here! I too had a real surprise when, after attending a new spiritual centre for only a short period of time, someone approached me and asked me if I would be a "greeter" at the front door! ... Moi...? A greeter...? A lowlyTM "sisterTM"...? hehe!!

    Then I remembered, this is not the dubs! This is a regular people kinda nurturing place...these people appreciate meeee!!! Just the way I am!!! These people accept meeee!!! Just the way I am!!! I don't have to fit into a checklist to be accepted! I happily accepted my duties and had a load of fun performing my "greetings" to everyone who arrived! Hugs and handshakes were doled freely! "Welcome!" Programs were handed out freely! Oh, and noooo shunning took place!!!

    What pure joy!!!

    Ahhhh!!! I'm home!!! How sweet it is to be a woman!!!

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Dawn!!!


  • stillajwexelder

    It just hits me - serving under the JW org in ANY status is a heavy load. Even when it's supposed to be something fun.

    This can not be -- the JWs are always parrotting how we have to get under the yoke with Jesus as his load is mild and refreshing -- but yes you are of course correct -- but it is wrong and it is sad - the WTBTS are total control freaks - plain and simple

  • Dawn

    how we have to get under the yoke with Jesus as his load is mild and refreshing

    You know.....now that I have begun to learn who Jesus really is, and have taken on some of the responsibilities (yoke) that I feel HE wants me to do - it isn't hard at all. Instead of feeling like a chore it's just something that flows out from me naturally and comfortably. And it energizes me.

    Jesus' yoke is light - it's the 'dub yoke that overwhelmed me.

  • frenchbabyface
    it is supposed to be something that empowers both the person doing the serving and the person being servedit is supposed to be something that empowers both the person doing the serving and the person being served

    yeah ... I agree also

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