A Veblen good?

by Doug Mason 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Please forgive me and do not castigate me for overthinking this.

    There is a marketing "law" named Veblen Good (goods, effect) which says that if you make something very expensive, that will make it more desirable. I know that sounds counter intuitive but think of the Dyson fan, Ferrari car, expensive perfume, and so on. Put the price really high and people will clamour for it. (Check online for further examples).

    My over thinking ask myself if this can be extended to religions, with their "out-of-this-world" promises. Will people do anything in order to grasp that highly priced promise?

    Just thinking.


  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    My jw sister falls for that all the time. It has to be good because it is expensive.

    The JW religion offers a paradise and the feeling that you are special because you know the truth but the rest do not.

    Remember the commercials for BMW? It was all about being a snob and affording the very best. Then the economy tanked and suddenly BMW's became "affordable and the best" Just after that, I noticed that the worse drivers on the road - speeding and cutting you off - were the BMW's. Cause now they could be bought by the young and reckless.

    Hasn't the JW religion done the same thing? Instead of being a snob to tv and electronic media, they now swallow it down and force the regulars to buy it. They do everything that they scoffed at what other religions were doing. Because they have also tanked and need the money and recruits.

  • smiddy3

    I whole heartedly agree with the first two posts ,i think your spot on.And I think what reinforces that beief is the statement "you get what you pay for " in other words the more money you pay the better quality is the product you buy.

    And that`s not always the case.

  • tiki

    Depends on the person and his/her value system. A lot of people love cheap. They think they are being financially smart not spending the $$$ but they end up spending more in the long run because cheap doesn't last. Loving expensive just because flaunting it puts you in a self perceived higher eschalon is stupid if you can't afford it. They key is getting the most bang for your back....the best quality and product longevity for the lowest price. Planned obsolescence is making that increasingly difficult.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    It's a rational decision to buy something which is made to last. Of course quality usually comes with a higher initial price. Then market manipulation can use a high price alone to signal quality goods even though they are ordinary-- let the buyer beware!

    I'm not convinced that the obscene lie that if you conform to this religion or that religion you can get everlasting life-- is a comparison in the Veblen mould?

    Surely it is beyond absurd for anyone to offer "life everlasting". . . who on earth would fall for that one?

  • waton

    yes, it is expensive, but I am worth it! see?

  • stillin

    I think of it as a cause and effect thing. The "everlasting life" thing may be outrageous when it's put forth by a branded religion, but crime and punishment / virtue and reward is deeply embedded in our makeup. How much effort we put into making improvements in ourselves will definitely affect our friendships. We may not reap rewards with everybody, but then, virtue is its' own reward too.

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