stress related illness

by petespal2002 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • petespal2002

    Is it only me, or does there seem to be a higher than normal percentage rate of stress and anxiety related illnesses within the congregations?

    Could it be that thay feel they have to attend all meetings, be regular in the field ministry etc. as well as holding down a job, caring for a family and day to day stresses and strains?

  • stillajwexelder

    THERE has been a post on this subject before -- but yes the stress/depression rate amongst witnesses is higher than in most religions -- can not get you a web page to check this right now -- but there have been studies -- it is also not just in USA but in Europe/Canada/Australia/Japan etc. also -- I am pretty sure the reason is that the high guilt factor because what ever you do -- it is just never enough -- if you are a publisher -- why not auxilliary pioneer -- if that then why not regularauxilliary -- if that why not regular pioneer -- if you are a brother then reach out for MS --Elder - Bethel --that creates sky-high stress levels

  • petespal2002

    I am sure I read something to that effect in a national newspaper, but can't remember where.

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