Certainly the idea that pedophiles can repent and turn away from sin, is a big problem with Watchtowers abuse policy. Going into past court cases, one can easily see men being appointed over and over, despite repeating their crimes. The Henderson case is an especially grievous example. Henderson was appointed 5 times is a 30 year period.
Gonzalo Compos was also a known molester who was reappointed in a similar pattern as Henderson. Irwin Zalkin has and is handling several of Compos victims in a recent time period.
Between Henderson and Compos we see a pattern of flawed policy from 1964 to present. During Jackson's testimony before the ARC, he acknowledged problems with the Wt's abuse policy. Even with all of this, the Watchtower lawyers are unrelenting in court case after court case.
Finding first hand experiences from people affected, will put a human face on the damage done to real people. Much more persuasive when the account has a human being relating their experience. Reading the black and white on paper is troubling, but the expressions on a persons face, relating the damage done, is much more moving.