Calling on Trump to investigate JW CSA.

by Vanderhoven7 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    Menacing Mistral writes:

    For those who may be interested, Jimmy Bell has, with the help of others, created a letter to be sent to president Trump regarding Watchtower and their harmful practices and danger to children. Below is the link where you can download the letter. I also have the video where he reads it and gives instructions.

    Please, if you're willing to do so, also send your own letter along with it. The personal account of what you suffered will demonstrate the damaging toll these abuses have on real people.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Considering his S-I-L was involved in the purchase of some of the WT Brooklyn property, I would really be interested in knowing Trump's thoughts on the Borg. I suspect he would "publicly" just "say all the right things".

  • nowwhat?

    Give me a break. Trump has bigger fish to fry at this time. The jw's are a blip on the radar. Like the Amish.

    The only way they would Garner government attention is if it came out they have been laundering money

  • Vidiot

    Trump is - first and foremost - a businessman

    …so I would recommend approaching something like this from more of a financial angle.

    Maybe a laundry list of ways that the Org is essentially abusing its “charity status”.

    Not that I think it would really work…

    …as nowwhat says, the JWs are small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Im sure he has bigger fish to fry too.

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