Salvator Mundi

by compound complex 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    An ethereal rendering of Jesus, Savior of the World, in whose left hand rests a crystal orb. In what painterly manner did Leonardo "repent" while producing this work?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Once again, a belated posting.

    Any comments would be welcomed, particularly regarding the apparent lack of magnification of Jesus' garment as viewed through the crystal orb.

  • slimboyfat

    Looks slightly feminine to me. Like Conchita! But I know nothing about history of art, it's probably normal. Have the eyes faded or do they look vacant? Is this the whole picture or an abstract? What prompts your interest in it?

  • LV101

    Coco - I tried to listen to the link but it's very difficult to hear -- what I could catch is serious art history by an incredible art critic about DaVinci -- this is amazing. I'm going to try to listen again - think this DaVinci painting was just discovered and a king had possession of it. I'll go in your link and read the info later tonight when I can end the day. DaVinci was quite the Renaissance master (the master) -- a genius, engineer, inventor, scientist, you name it. He was the son of a peasant girl -- of course, his father couldn't marry her because of her social status. I don't recall hearing previously in art history course (decades ago) he'd only painted about 20 paintings - unreal. Some serious detail in fabric. Learning to paint light/shadows, values, no problem for DaVinci, needless to say.

    I'm going to google his Mona Lisa to see the style resemblances. Love art history.

    Thanks for the share - I appreciate!

  • slimboyfat

    Very intersting. I didn't know there were so few da Vinci paintings extant.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, SBF and LV101, for responding.

    My introduction to Salvator Mundi was only two days ago, when I caught an online piece debunking the putative work by Da Vinci. Upon further research -- but by no means complete -- I am tending toward its authenticity. One thing that I mentioned in the opening post is that the artist "repents," i.e., he redoes portions of his painting, known as pentimento. There are other paintings of The Savior of the World, Jesus being the most iconic figure in the annals of both sacred and secular history (I need input re: to what extent in secular history [my mind is a sieve when it comes to remembering world history and placing figures and places and so forth into a proper context].)

    My interest in this particular work is that of a professional artist and former art dealer, not to mention my fascination with all things Da Vinci. Too, on a purely inane note, people frequently call me Jesus because of my long red hair and red beard. Generally, the look of Jesus is portrayed by many painters of olden times as somewhat feminine. Vacant eyes? I believe the use of the heel of Da Vinci's hand on the eyes to soften them succeeded in achieving that effect, so it has been speculated.

    Yes, isn't the attention to detail amazing, particularly the weave of the lapis lazuli-hued fabric? I still need to do more research. I hope you both continue your search; mine has scarcely begun.

    With gratitude.

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