I watched PBS "American Experience" 3 part WW1. The theme was President W. Wilson. They dealt with how he was the most religious president ever had, with the highest moral principles. Yet when he entered the war he was the centuries greatest suppressor of human and civil rights. Being as to how he needed to mobilize an entire nation for war in the shortest amount of time. He was far more effective at suppressing dissent in the shortest amount of time than Hitler or Governing Body.
The point being; the imprisonment of Rutherford and others, we were taught was a real act of courage for the reason of their speaking out "hard hitting waters of truth" . When the reality was that they were hardly heard. Anyone who said anything against the war would have the same fate. Now this is not a new point as I have heard before how Rutherfords imprisonment was anything but special but just a reality of the time and Wilson's policies. It was just a powerful program as to how governments mind control people to do things that they would not normally want to do. A lot of WTB&TS style Lev.5:1 informant policy going on, to where people were afraid of neighbor.
The spin that was put on Rutherford's imprisonment had an impact on our minds when we were on the inside. What struck me was the exact same spin is now being put on the Canadian Supreme Court case on disfellowshipment.
Just a interesting history program which dealt with mind control.