The defining moment that notified us of our expulsion from the Borg to living in the real world caught a lot of us at unexpected times and different ages of our lives. The Borg hammer knocked a lot of us flat when we least expected it but what is important is not how you got knocked down but rather if you can pick yourself up. It?s no secret that many ex-dubs are not able to get mastery over their anger and pain and end up victimizing themselves even more with addictions, or various strategies to avoid the difficult work of re-inventing ourselves. There are of course many good examples on this discussion board and others of men and woman who handled this major life change remarkably well.
There are a lot of people here just discovering their freedom and pursuing the things they couldn?t do as Witnesses, that is to be expected in my opinion, but I think in time these distractions from your life course fade in importance and you set out to make a productive and happy life for yourself.
If you are at the later point?continuing on in your passage for a good and satisfying life?what do you use now for your guide? You don?t have the Watchtower now to tell you how to live your life. Do you just go with the flow? Do you use some kind of guide, be it religion, moral principles, psychology, or just march to your own drummer?
Just what is your life course or plan?