I never could believe mostly cause they can't tell you just how they know that they are being called. And they leave you with the impression that you don't deserve to know anyway when you ask, when so much is hinging on if they really are telling the truth or just wishful thinking onn their part. Personly all humans are basicly good people if you look at them from gods point of veiw, he can see beyond our imperfections anyway, so its not like we have to be just right.
I never could belive in a little flock going to heven !!!!
by Singing Man 1 Replies latest social current
I agreed with you,who are they to know all this anyway? If they made up some parts of the bible,according to their needs what can you expect?they only numbered 144.000,other churches have a list of saints that never end(all made by the pope)the rest (poor us )go to hell.As you have said only God know`shis holy ones.