When emailing the "big guns" as in primary news media, please keep your comments concerning your outrage over this ruling brief and to the point (K.I.S.S. - keep it simple, sweetie).....These four items (below) should be included in your emails blitzing the news media. This way, news personnel may view the articles at their convenience and make necessary contacts: 1. URL to Canadian Press Newspaper article on Canadian Court's Ruling re: Vicki Boer vs. The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York: http://www.recorder.ca/cp/national/030929/n0929181A.html 2. URL to Vicki Boer's Post-Ruling Press Release info: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/59525/892268/post.ashx#892268 3. URL to the Silent Lambs website: (this shows the cause and greater affects of the adverse ruling) 4. (List of contacts info from [email protected]) A question which occurs to me about this whole thing is "How is this ruling going to affect not only the morale of other victims, but the future outcome of rulings in the cases of other molestation and rape victims of the WTS? To reach the "big guns" and perform a media blitz, use your search engine to find: CNN, CNN TV, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, MSNBC News....when you locate them, click on every form of contact on every form of news and reporter at that site, you never know which ones will reach the producers....that way we can be sure of a blitz.....for those of you who wish to help in this way.... Frannie B |
Media Blitz Info for Vicki Boer
by Frannie Banannie 7 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
I sent information by email, to one of the major TV reporters here in Seattle.............she gave me her card last year after she reported on our silentlambs thing at a local Kingdom Hall, and asked to be kept up to date on what is happening.
She replied to me this morning thanking me for giving her the "heads up" on this story. Her only concern is that it isn't about our area, but she said she will try to get permission to do a story anyway.
I thought it was neat that she replied to me.
Frannie Banannie
Oh, Mulan! That local reporter sounds like one in a million....their usual response is to ask if there are any local victims they can interview, and if not, they want to wait till the "big guns" (CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, FOX) run with it....
Thank you so much, sweetie!!
hugs 'n smoochies,
Frannie B
Thanks Frannie!!!
For all of the well-put-together info to send out. I have already sent out some emails.
Frannie Banannie
Ur wcm, Eisenstein :) I almost forgot....if anyone is sending out the protest letters Nina composed to blitz the congregations also, the NWT has a list of mailing addresses for all their worldwide branch offices in the very back of the book.....and your local library has telephone books with simply SCADS of congregations listed in all the major cities in your country... I've used these before, making tons of copies and then mailing out to branch offices worldwide and congs in major cities from the library's cache of phone books...
Frannie B
Hello Frannie,
Thanks so much for your information. Much appreciated.
Please see ex-patbrit's suggestions and link as to where to send letters (in Canada) and suggested wording.