Language Course for Sydney BBQ (Lesson 6)

by ozziepost 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Well, here it is, the final lesson in our language course to prepare us for this weekend's Sydney BBQ.

    How ya been goin'?

    There'll be time at the end of this lesson to review the full course.

    Today we're going to consider what to say to those experiencing emotional distress, or how to recognise it in someone you meet.

    1. The old man's shot through = My husband's left town

    2. Can I bot a fag? = May I have one of your cigarettes?

    Health Warning Do not attempt number 2 if you are concerned about your health!

    So there it is. We've finished this semester's course.

    Now if you would like to review the course (no textbooks are available) here are the links I hope!

    Lesson 1:

    Lesson 2:

    Lesson 3:

    Lesson 4:

    Lesson 5:

    How are your plans for getting to the Sydney gathering of happy exJWs, unhappy JWs, delirious posters, 'other interested' posters, and 'lurkers'?

    You need to know:* Location, location
    * Time (it's not midnight!)
    * What to bring
    * Security arrangements

    For details contact by e-mail: [email protected]


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • Jang

    You still haven't warned them about the snags, the bombers, the mozzies, and the local wog.


  • BugEye


    I found out one you missed by accident, I was talking with one of our opposite side of the world buddies and said I would be busy in the arvo.

    It never occured to me that we dont say afternoon and many dont know what an "arvo" is.

    Another time based one is "smoko"
    This usually refers to morning tea time, irrespective of whether or not you smoke.

    "knock off" is the time when work is finished for the day and is usually around the 5 o'clock mark, although it is often earlier on a Friday. This is because Friday is "poets" day.

    "Poets" day is "Piss off early, tomorrows Saturday"


  • esther

    How about 'bring a plate', meaning to bring a plate of goodies, not an empty plate, of course?


  • outnfree

    In the interests of further multiculturalism:

    In the States,

    Don't crap on = Bullshit!!!
    Can I bot a fag? = Can I bum a cigarette?
    smoko = coffee break
    Poet's Day = Piss Off Early, Tomorrow's Saturday = TGIF = Thank God It's Friday! (and we 'knock off' early, too! )
    Bring a plate = Bring a dish to pass

    And I am extremely jealous not to be joining you all Down Under however, it IS Memorial Day Weekend, so a long one with a barbecue for us as well!

    Enjoy, my Aussie Apostate Friends!!!

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    G’day Ozzie:

    "How ya goin’ luv"? "What’s the latest goss"?

    Glad to hear your BBQ is planning well. I’d love to "tart myself up" and hear the compliment "grouse lippy"

    I’d love to say yes! to "wanna come to our piss-up?" and if you offered "wanna cuppa", I’d say “yes please, do you have Earl Grey?” And I'd be glad to "bring a plate", but I won’t be askin’ "Can I bot a fag?"

    Now if you have any difficult people at your BBQ, just "don’t get your knickers in a knot" and I know if you tell me some wild story after the BBQ, well I promise I won’t say "don’t crap on".

    But if you do go on and on about how bad it was, I may be tempted to tell you to "shut ya gob" but I promise I won’t tell you to "get stuffed bitch". Ooooh is my face red!!!

    I’m here now ‘cuz I’ll be busy in the "arvo" and I want to "knock off" early today since it’s "poet’s day".

    Now one last thing.....should I be concerned about Jang’s warning about "the snags, the bombers, the mozzies, and the local wog"?

    I’ll say "Cheers" now and hope you all have a blast on Sunday!

    Had Enough
    (ps:do I pass?)

  • ozziepost

    G'day Had Enough,

    No worries, mate!


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

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