G'day all,
Well, here it is, the final lesson in our language course to prepare us for this weekend's Sydney BBQ.
How ya been goin'?
There'll be time at the end of this lesson to review the full course.
Today we're going to consider what to say to those experiencing emotional distress, or how to recognise it in someone you meet.
1. The old man's shot through = My husband's left town
2. Can I bot a fag? = May I have one of your cigarettes?
Health Warning Do not attempt number 2 if you are concerned about your health!
So there it is. We've finished this semester's course.
Now if you would like to review the course (no textbooks are available) here are the links I hope!
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
How are your plans for getting to the Sydney gathering of happy exJWs, unhappy JWs, delirious posters, 'other interested' posters, and 'lurkers'?
You need to know:* Location, location
* Time (it's not midnight!)
* What to bring
* Security arrangements
For details contact by e-mail: [email protected]
Freedom is not having to wear a tie.