New JW video about evolution involving children??

by Saename 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Saename

    In Lloyd Evans's interview with Seth Andrews (The Thinking Atheist), Evans says that JWs published a new footage on evolution on their website JW Broadcasting. He says it's about kids talking to their classmates about evolution. He comments that it's an amusing video. I've never seen it, though. Does anybody know which video he's talking about? I'd like to see it!

    Thanks in advance, guys!

  • OneEyedJoe
  • cofty

    I remember when I used to preach about creationism at school. "If we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys?" Cringe!

  • OneEyedJoe
    I remember when I used to preach about creationism at school. "If we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys?" :smirk:

    I can so clearly remember when I was about 10 or 11 in a book study, the paragraph was talking about how scientists haven't been able to reproduce life in a lab, and I proudly answered up "Even if scientists could create life in a lab - who created the scientists?"

    I so wish I could go back and smack that arrogant little shit across the face.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    What deceptive and sweetly spoken propaganda!

    The idea that complex things need a designer sounds right until you find out the facts of evolution. There is no evidence for a miraculous designer but there is evidence for evolution in the geological record. Things are not always what they seem or what you expect them to be.

    Blinkered JWs don't dare examine the evidence, your congregation status is enhanced if you just trot out the party line and sound like a loyal member.

  • steve2

    If complex things need a creator, who created the alleged Creator who is said to be infinitely more complex than that which was created?

    And if creationists reply, "He" has always existed and so did not need to have been created, their argument about 'complexity needing a creator' falls to pieces.

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