Anyone have any direction I can go in to get reprints of the magazine articles quoted in the "life" book?
Reprints of Mag articles from Evolution book
by shiloh 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Whic magazines are they from? And do you have the dates for the issues quoted from?
I'd be looking for:
Discover, October 1980
Scientific American, September 1978
Popular Science, November 1979 -
For popular science try:
Magazine Back Issues
Back issues of Popular Science can be purchased by calling (800) 464-2819
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Reprint Management Services
Quality reprints can be ordered from:
Reprint Management Services
Greenfield Corporate Center
1808 Colonial Village Lane
Lancaster, PA 17601
phone: 717-399-1900
fax: 717-399-8900 [email protected]The others post back issues on the net but only back to 1993. Try contacting their publishers, you should be able to find them in a search engine.
Thanks! I'll give those places a try!
Hard to believe, but I have the November 1979 issue of Popular Science sitting on a dusty shelf in a room upstairs.
>>>goes and checks>>>
Yep. "How old is it? - the elegant art of dating ancient objects", by Robert Gannon.
I could see what my scanner can do with it, or do you need the bona fide original?
The scan is up at:
Please note the disclaimer at the top.
My pleasure,