When we were good JW's, we were ordered counseled to "make sure of the more important things." They meant we were to "buy out the opportune time" and read our mags, go to meetings and field service......etc. Spiritual things first. Well, now that we are "out," what have you had time to do that you enjoy??
- I realized that I no longer had to time to read books!! I just love reading fiction novel: mystery, love stories, murder, csi-type, etc. I am a reading fiend now!
- I had time to go camping with my neighbors and have a blast and not worry about being counseled about missing meetings or hanging around worldly people!
- I can schedule weekends of rest and vacations without having to check to see when the CO is coming or when an Assembly or DC is supposed to be. This weekend, I am going to Sunday brunch with our old neighbors. We're bringing the champagne.
So, what important things do you have time to do?