The More Important Things.........

by simplesally 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    When we were good JW's, we were ordered counseled to "make sure of the more important things." They meant we were to "buy out the opportune time" and read our mags, go to meetings and field service......etc. Spiritual things first. Well, now that we are "out," what have you had time to do that you enjoy??

    • I realized that I no longer had to time to read books!! I just love reading fiction novel: mystery, love stories, murder, csi-type, etc. I am a reading fiend now!
    • I had time to go camping with my neighbors and have a blast and not worry about being counseled about missing meetings or hanging around worldly people!
    • I can schedule weekends of rest and vacations without having to check to see when the CO is coming or when an Assembly or DC is supposed to be. This weekend, I am going to Sunday brunch with our old neighbors. We're bringing the champagne.

    So, what important things do you have time to do?

  • shamus

    I enjoy gardening, reading, internet, hiking, climbing, you name it.

    I hate the "buy out opportune time" thing. How the hell can you do that? If you could do all they wanted, you would be going 24/7

  • calamityjane

    I do exactly what you do. The camping with friends is a blast. I love my weekends knowing that I can get out of bed when I want to. The guilt is no longer there.

    I can read romance novels, or whatever the heck I want to read, I can watch my one favourit soap opera without feeling guilty.

    I must say I live a guilt free life. and loving every minute of it.



  • simplesally

    Oh the horror of reading romance novels. I know countless sisters who sat in committee meetings and were asked if they had been reading Romance novels. After all, reading them or watching soaps certainly leads to fornication!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey simplesally and calamityjane

    Have you read any of the series written by Diana Gabaldon..

    It's a combo.. romance, little fantasy, lots of sex, .. little bloody.. and a hell of a heroine.

    Her first book in the series was "Outlander"..

    special k

  • simplesally

    Never have read any by that author. I love: Fern Michaels, Patricia Cornwell, Janet Evonovich, Nora Roberts and read my first book by James Patterson called Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. It was a tear-jerker and happy ending. It had a twist to it.

  • ballistic

    Life has changed so much in 100 years alone. Cities are spreading to form concrete jungles, some poeple never leave their own countries or even their own couch to enjoy such things as the countryside. We have the freedom to enjoy so much unspoilt world in all it's glory. It seems it will last forever, but in our short lives it is hard to see the grander scale. Technology keeps bringing us new bright shiny toys, but instead of waking up under the stars, and working to hunt and gather food, people have to seek these things out as a luxury. Will future generations look back and say, I wish I was you?

  • SM62


    Sorry - this thing kicked me out!

    I was going to say that I now have time to think for myself and do what I want to do. I can spend time with my non-JW family without feeling guilty (even though they are SUCH bad associates ) and I can start to plan to do things in the future that I have always wanted to do - like working for my favourite charity - we know how much the WTS despises anyone doing anything for charities (except if it is for them!) and I can start to relax and I won't feel so tied up in knots and my head won't hurt so much. I don't know about you, but I get pretty sick trying to be a good JW.


  • calamityjane

    Oh yah Special K. Diana Gabaldon. Awsome writing. Simple Sally if you love romance, adventure, etc., You have to get her first book. Its calll "Outlander" .

    xjw bought this one as one of my Christmas presents one year. I'm telling you I couldn't put the book down, it was over 800 pages of reading and I read it in a week, and could hardly wait to get my hands on to the second one. There are four books in this series. Well worth reading.

    When I passed this book on to one of my fellow employees. She came to work the next day with red eyes. She couldn't put the book down too. Again, awsome writing.



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