URGENT: I am working on a project and need several to e-mail me with information on the Watchtower Society and/or JW congregations, and/or JW individuals involved in child abuse litigation (being sued or criminally prosecuted) or where your government (provencial or national) are investigating the Watchtower Society or its local congregations or individuals, or where your government is considering legislative action (e.g. Australia is possibly an example of this). Any solid evidentiary information such as news or magazine articles, court dockets, legislative and administrative public reports, or other substantive sources are preferred. This is urgently needed. Anyone can send information, but I am particularly interested in countries besides the United States.
Please e-mail your information to: [email protected] I prefer to keep your remarks and information off the board until I can process it and send it along to where it will be used. But, if you feel you need to post it here too, that is fine. Thanks for putting up with me in all this ... and ...
Thanks in advance for your help. I will be posting another resuest by tomorrow for another related project. And in the not too distant future, I will post updates as to the results and some exciting events in motion.