The Searcher brought this scripture up on another thread:
(1 Timothy 5:8) "Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith." [disowned Jehovah]
I thought I'd make a new thread instead of highjacking that other one.
Did you know they're trying to apply this to spiritual matters now?
Brother on Platform: "Yes, we need to provide for our families materially. That's the reality of the world in which we live. But even more important than materially is providing for them spiritually! Do you think that Paul would put material things as a higher priority than spiritual matters? Of course not! So he was likely referring to providing for your household in a spiritual sense!"
Sheeple: "oooooooo.....ahhhhhhhhh....I see the light now! Monday morning I'm quitting my job and pioneering! Jehovah will provide!