Lurkers!: Are You an "Armageddon Junkie"?

by metatron 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I think this is a fair question. As I look back on my life "in the truth", it almost seems

    as if my efforts at self-improvement were in direct relation to my doubts about

    The End being near!

    I have gone thru YEARS in which my life was "on hold" - living in dire expectation

    of The Great Day of God the Almighty. It was only after doubts grew that I got a college

    degree. Heck, even the siding on my house went for YEARS without replacement

    (vinyl looks so nice!) because "why bother, it's so soon!"

    Now I know that the Society will bring up some example , usually of drug abuse,

    in which a person "finds the truth" and cleans up their life. However, isn't this

    just comparable to Methadone maintenance? You can't live a full, balanced life

    because you are enslaved to the Truth drug! It forces you to pioneer, go to five

    meetings a week, obey uneducated elders, etc. You just swap one pallative

    for another that's less damaging (well, maybe!)

    I hereby announce a new name for this stultifying, limiting, ambition- draining

    way of life:

    Armageddon Junkies


  • rocketman

    It is the drug of choice, and does indeed keep the RF in line and from pursuing personal goals and ambitions, some of which you mentioned Met.

    I remember watching Star Trek Deep Space Nine and seeing the Jem'Hadar needing vials of Tetracell White, a drug which kept them functioning and in obedience to the Founders and The Dominion. Maybe there's a similarity there.

  • berylblue

    Excellent post, metatron.

  • SixofNine

    Blah! (can I say that?). You're wrong about vinyl siding. Well said otherwise Met.

  • metatron

    OK, if you're Canadian, I'm guessing you like brickwork instead of siding!


  • ashitaka
    Armageddon Junkies

    You're right on the the post. Mant witness are this very thing. Destruction is the only hope they have. They use that fear to numb all of their drive, ambition, true love for people, and patience, in favor of deeming everything on earth destruction-worthy.

    I know some people who were in mags, were the toast of assemblies. They gave up on addiction for another, and many times, were much more dangerous to their families and children than when they were gamblers, drunks, drug addicts, abusers, because the WTBTS enlabes bad people to channel their bad energy into other things; domintating their families with Armageddon threats. Many times it plays out as horrible abuse.


  • Hamas
  • stillajwexelder

    metatron -- well put -- aramageddon junkie is the correct terminology

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