I think this is a fair question. As I look back on my life "in the truth", it almost seems
as if my efforts at self-improvement were in direct relation to my doubts about
The End being near!
I have gone thru YEARS in which my life was "on hold" - living in dire expectation
of The Great Day of God the Almighty. It was only after doubts grew that I got a college
degree. Heck, even the siding on my house went for YEARS without replacement
(vinyl looks so nice!) because "why bother, it's so soon!"
Now I know that the Society will bring up some example , usually of drug abuse,
in which a person "finds the truth" and cleans up their life. However, isn't this
just comparable to Methadone maintenance? You can't live a full, balanced life
because you are enslaved to the Truth drug! It forces you to pioneer, go to five
meetings a week, obey uneducated elders, etc. You just swap one pallative
for another that's less damaging (well, maybe!)
I hereby announce a new name for this stultifying, limiting, ambition- draining
way of life:
Armageddon Junkies