Interesting new use for Kingdom Hall
by dozy 7 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Dozy, it's a very poorly written article.
Is the place currently, now, a Kingdom Hall? Or was it at one point a Kingdom Hall? It is not clear.
Hi dozy
cool! thank you for your link to that funny story!
Is the place currently, now, a Kingdom Hall? Or was it at one point a Kingdom Hall? It is not clear.
The ITV story (one the UK's TV channels) is using a screenshot from Google Street view to illustrate their story.
Looks like the WT couldn't be bothered to take down the "KH of JWs" sign!!
Here's a link:
The colourful banner sign is for 'Street Feet Studios'
Check out this news story:
Pete Zahut
Seems like this religion has literally gone to pot.
Slidin Fast
Ahem, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
For the healing of the nations.
St George of England
Interestingly Merthyr Tydfil shares a hall with Aberdare which is to be expected but this one is in a Jah Jireh Care Home!
The best antidote for meetings that have become too tedious.