Using the internet to market and sell goods is big business in China. Company's like Tencents and Jack Ma's Alibaba are changing retailing in China and they say they will promote it all over the world.
But to get a sort of insight, here's a short video on the opening (in Shanghai, last week) of the world's largest Starbucks and only that chains second Reserve Roastery store (the first was in Seattle). Go full screen to get the full impact.
As you saw, this Shanghai outlet is powered by Alibaba's retailing concepts.
And, when it comes to retailing religion and you see switching to the Alibaba techniques*, (grin) you'll know that Jack Ma will have have converted the WT to his idea of a Retail paradise. There will be no need for YHWH's long promised Divine paradise when a virtual reality will let you experience paradise in the here and now.
* Nothing strange about that, after all it's arguable that Joe Rutherford's long friendship with William Heath (a CC heir) and Coca Cola's policy of continuous advertising that led old Joe to "Advertise, Advertise, Advertise the King and the Kingdom."