I well known,how easy is to make mistakes,many time you do not relized until the damage is done.I notice,on this board the many reasons why some of the writers,fill the way they do and I am sorry for what as happen to them. Do you belive parents do not have reasons too to forgiving they children?to forget even for us parents can be very hard,do not worry about that,is the same fillings,the same regreats,the same hope you always dream your kids to be,SPECIAL. Maybe,some dream, almost dare to have the perfect child.We know,that can not be.To be the perfect parents is impossible as to have the SPECIAL child.There are things that a mom can cry but not solution is avalable,can you always blame your mom for the wrong things you did and that can not be different ? In the end of the day each of us can look into a mirror and ask
should we parents,forgive and forget ?
by arancia 5 Replies latest jw experiences
There is no text book on parenting that will work. Every child is different. Most parents just try to do the best they can to raise their children. All parents make mistakes. Some parents should never have been such. If nothing else, children should respect their parents as their source of life. Love, on the other hand, involves a respect for the devotion and care that a child received from their parents.
Many Jehovah's Witness parents felt they were doing the right thing by raising their children in the organization. They saw it as a protection against the ravages of "the world." These parents were motivated by love. What they couldn't foresee was that the organization itself made parenting difficult with its demands of meetings, field service and study. It allowed little time for normal family life. It actually cheated the parents of quality time that could have been spent with their children.
But society in general is not conducive to family life any longer. Divorce, drugs, premarital sex and the many other problems work against family unity. And until society makes a fundamental change, we will only see family unity disintegrate further.
There's an expression "Blood is thicker than water". The Borg forces parents of DF children to fight their natural feelings towards their children. Is that what God wants? I don't think so.
The best thing for parents to do? Give them a phone call.
So there we are Arancia, make a phone call. Do it soon.
Cheers, Ozzie
My love for my baby girl,(19) is unconditional. I hope and pray she never does anything shameful, but I can't imagine not loving her and not wanting her to be a part of my life. True love is acceptance, and I know my daughter is an individual who has to find her own place in this word. I have to adjust to her, learn who she is, and deal with that person, not some image of the child I would have liked her to be.
So to answer your question, as a parent, how could I not forgive and forget? Maverick
There is a saying, dont let the sun set on a provaked state. Sound familar anyone??
I totally agree with that saying, no matter who was wrong, who was right, dont let things go on. Be the strong one.
I feel it takes more courage to say Im sorry and "I love you" then to not say anything at all.
Just my opinion. I never let anyone go by if they are upset with me.
franklin J
kelpie, you said it all. I agree with you. life is too short to not forgive
I forgave my parents for raising me as a JW. I understand that they did what they did, because at the time it was what they thought was best for me.
I do not doubt their love for me. As I am a parent now, I fully understand. And yes, my kids say mean things to me all the time. The love is unconditional . Jws do not have a monopoly on that.