The Blood Policy

by NotFormer 4 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • NotFormer

    A couple of decades ago, any question of the WT dropping or changing the blood policy was met with something along the lines of "they're in too deep, they've killed too many people, the lawsuits would kill them; they can't change it". A somewhat warped version of the "sunk costs fallacy".

    They're already in very deep with the other rod for their own back, the CSA payouts. And some small changes have occurred in the way they handle CSA cases. While officially, they admit no culpability, they would rather payoff the plaintiffs than fight in court. They don't seem to have the stomach to fight against "the World" the way they once prided themselves on.

    The recent Japanese articles about the legal team's survey about the abuse of children in the organisation refer to the deaths of children who refused blood at the behest of the WT. Is there a chance that interest by yet another government is going to create pressure on them in the area of blood?

  • DesirousOfChange

    They already have revised their policy so that there will be no action against a JW that accepts blood as long as they are "repentant". Easy enough for any JW that wants to stay "in" to just say, "I'm sorry. I caved in. Forgive me!"

  • NotFormer

    Interesting. Does the hospital liaison committee still exist?

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    A tickled memory says the HLC still exists, but now you are supposed to contact them directly. Probably to deny claims they sent in mafia dons to (encourage (watch) free the sheep.

  • NotFormer

    It's when you realise that the HLC exists that you begin to understand that the WT made the decision to move from being just a high control group, to being out and out sociopaths/psychopaths. At least they aren't just "sending the boys around" anymore. 🙄

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