Shunning Unbiblical

by maccauk 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • maccauk

    The word shunning is an Old English word which has not history pre 18th century. The practice of avoiding, hiding,ignore or reject was used in the bible against another according to the law. The law was still in force up until the consumation of the age when Jerusalem, the temple, the old covenants were all destroyed forever and when the Messiah came back for his elect with the resurrected at the same time. The New Spiritual Jerusalem of which Christ is the true Israel is no longer under law. Meaning Where there is no law there is no sin, where there is no sin there is no judgement, where there is no judgement. So shunning doe snot exist in Gods Kingdom which is not made with human hands nor of anything made with bricks and mortar. The mystery of the ages revealed to the gentiles by Paul in which all Christians should be able to testify to is Christ In You the Hope of Glory. These ones have been sacrificed with Christ, died with Christ, buried with Christ and resurrected with Christ throuhout the generations since then. Its all spiirtual . All things were fulfilled in the 1st century never to be repeated again. SO if you have been a victim of shunning then that is unbiblical and not of God.

    matthew 9:13

    But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

    If you have left or thinking of leaving

    If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent.

    Mercy is the key to Christian life and WT have failed many people by acting with mercy and shunning others for stupid things like asking questions and seeking answers and clarity on teachings etc

    tell your story on ex jehovah witness refuge on facebook its a new group for those who have left and still with faith in Christ. Im an EX JW

  • scratchme1010

    Who cares.

  • DesirousOfChange

    If the GB states in the WT that it is Biblical, then it is Biblical.

    If they change their mind next week and state that is is NOT Biblical, then it is not. And, they will have ALWAYS have said that it is not Biblical. (Any evidence of anything else will be seen as photoshopped apostate propaganda info.)

  • steve2

    Very preachy OP.

  • Listener

    It is preachy and to top it off, 'your story' is better off being shared on a Facebook group rather than here.

  • poopie

    Yes weve been knowing that for 5 decades but thanks tell the gb Mormons scientoligisy. Most if not all on this board know that can you please tell gb

  • pbrow

    Check out the January 8th 1947 Awake magazine where the orgs very own publication talks about how excommunicating / shunning has pagan origins.

    When I was first waking up, this was a powerful article to read, if only because of the flip flop nature of the society's policies.


  • fulltimestudent
    maccauk: "The New Spiritual Jerusalem of which Christ is the true Israel is no longer under law. Meaning Where there is no law there is no sin, where there is no sin there is no judgement, where there is no judgement. So shunning doe snot exist in Gods Kingdom ..."

    Hi maccauk, Are you really sure of the above? Do you imagine that this was the way that early Christianity saw the world.

    If so, how would you account for these quotations that I've taken from the writings of an early Christian named Tertullian (lived 155 – 240 CE.).

    From his writings, comes this picture of repentant sinners in North African churches. Locate yourself in the stream of time. This was written about 200 CE, that is, little more than 100 years after the supposed death of the last apostle . No one from the first century was still alive, but possibly their grandchildren were alive.

    Tertullian writes (and allow for a dash of hyperbole-smile):

    Quote: “Christian sinners spend the day sorrowing, and the night in vigils and tears, lying on the ground among clinging ashes, tossing in rough sackcloth and dirt, fasting and praying"

    And note that in the churches Tertullian attended the access of sinners to church meetings was controlled.

    Sometimes a penitent adulterer would be led,

    Quote: “into the midst of the brethren and prostrated, all in sackcloth and ashes … a compound of disgrace and horror, before the widows, the elders, suing for everyone’s tears, licking their footprints, clasping their knees … “

    Do you think that Tertullian and the church(es) he attended, had become apostate, or do you think that there is a possibility that you may and Tertullian may not be on the same wavelength?

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