Could this be the website for "Scholar?"
by Spudinator 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
This is Dr. Firpo Carr's website:
"Welcome to the web site for Scholar Technological Institute of Research, Inc. (STIR Inc.) Our non-profit organization is dedicated to the fascinating preservation of deteriorating ancient biblical manuscripts by means of advanced computer technology. We also have an interest in general education, science, and sociology. Another one or our goals is to educate the public in the latest developments in biblical, scientific, and manuscript studies. STIR was founded by the internationally known scholar, Dr. Firpo W. Carr, in September, 1990."
Carr is yet another JW pseudo-scholar. His 'Ph.D' is from a well known home-study diploma mill and is virtually worthless. Real Ph.D.'s are not gotten through home study.
Carr has some serious personal issues as well. He's managed to bs various elders into never disfellowshipping him even though he's now on his fourth JW wife.
Thank you for the additional information, Alan. I don't usually comment a bunch here, but in looking through Brother Carr's site noticed a certain similarity in style (and misspelling) with the "scholar" that posts here at JWD. You will notice the name of the website is Scholar Technological Institute of Research, Inc.
As you pointed out, Brother Carr seems to be a "different" sort of JW. Try reading his complaint against his fellow brothers at under Question and Answer #1.
Funny word, that "scholar". Seems it's pretty common to call oneself that, as in the case of our Scholar, who never ceases to plug his credentials.
True enough, rocketman. But our "scholar" is prone to saying things like, "I'm am a gret bilical scholar!"