I've been knee deep in this Netflix series "Stranger Things," which is a science fiction show about a group of adolescent friends in a town where a government lab has been doing experiments. It took me like a year to get around to watching it. But so glad that I finally started. I highly recommend it. It's well written and beautifully shot. I even shed a few tears a couple times. Anyway... watching Stranger Things makes me wish I'd had the opportunity to develop genuine friendships as a child (the worldly kids were, well, worldly; and the witness kids were bad association). It also makes me feel sorry for all the dubs who are going to miss out on some great television cause it would probably fall under the label of "occult" (even though it's not). Sigh.
Stranger Things on Netflix
by Cimarrona 6 Replies latest social entertainment
Watching it with my kids.
Great show. Keep watching. It gets even stranger ... well, what did you expect!
nancy drew
I like it and have you seen glitch that's interesting too.
Watched both seasons...entertaining!
Watched both seasons with my daughter. Nice ending to the second season.
LOVE the show! I was a teen in high school at the time the show takes place.