The monthly accounts report is read to the CONGREGATION and pinned to the notice board afterwards.
At the circuit assembly and special day the CIRCUIT accounts report is also read to the audience - usually highlighting the costs associated with the venue and hinting that the contents of the contribution boxes won't cover the cost, while purposely neglecting to mention that the monthly deposits from each congregation in the circuit have not been included in the report and will actually result in a surplus figure. But then that might stop the guilt ridden audience opening their wallets and putting in as much as possible even if they couldn't afford to do so. (I used to work in the circuit accounts department so I know).
So if it is done in the CONGREGATION and the CIRCUIT why isn't it done for the local BETHEL and ultimately for HQ?
In an honest organisation wouldn't the JWs be highly pleased to see how much was being paid to take cases to the European Court of Human Rights, fighting Russian court cases, building those new buildings for the dear African brothers and sisters, and for the army of full-time workers?
And be so moved as to hand over their rent money (and trust in Jehovah to provide before the landlord evicted them) to support the whole worldwide fund!?
But they never will provide the congregations with their own accounts report will they, because it might reveal how much they are paying out on the (nonexistent) child abuse cases and other related issues.