I feel sad for everyone.
I think about how unique every person is.
I remember good and happy family times together.
My heart aches.
That we are a family at odds.
I wish we lived closer,
and were really a family.
We understand that your faith is strong.
But we have a different faith.
Hostility and discord are so painful.
Now the one that Fathered us all.
Has gone beyond our call.
There is a wedding in the family.
Everyone will be there.
All except the Paul Family in Wisconsin.
We need to forget about rules.
Also all the regulations,
and go on as a family, with unconditional love,
As our Earthly Father,
and our Heavenly Father.
Would want-also our Earthly Mother.
Who love us all equally.
Please Heavenly Father,
Help us forgive and forget.