Sydney BBQ Report

by ozziepost 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    That BBQ sure was grouse. Everyone was there...well, at least some of the fun-loving ex-JW posters were there amongst the gathering. A few sheilas joined in knocking back some tinnies.

    Ozzie brought some cab sav. Silly bugger dropped one bottle. Spilt all over the dust. Those economical minded sheilas thought of how to lick it up! Someone brought a slab.

    Prisca made her speciality, the coleslaw and wot aussie BBQ would be complete without the snags? Bloody pile of 'em, mate. A bloody wasp took a shine to Prisca; wouldn't leave the poor girl alone. Must've been the grouse lippy.

    Older Tom had a new-style chef's hat, and gave a demonstration of bush survival techniques. Also gave a Crocodile Dundee impersonation ("Now that's a knife!")

    Uncle bruce arrived on a chariot without roo bars (where was his ute?) and was surrounded with hugs and kisses. Wot a blast!

    Hippikon talked and talked. Wot is it about the kiwis? Must be that diet of fush and chups loosens the tongue. Sure was good to chat about shooting through from the Borg.

    Weather was great, typical Sydney winter day. Strange to say there was a storm when we arrived home. Must be the clouds bringing the day to a close!



    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • Francois

    I wuz wondering about this.

    Now. Could someone please translate the Ozziepost for non-Ozzies?


  • Prisca

    It wuz bonza mate - youse all shoulda been there!

    And a translation for Francois/e :

    We had a great time.

    Sheilas = women
    Silly bugger = silly bloke = silly man
    Slab = box of 24 cans of beer
    Snags = sausages
    Grouse = great, good
    Lippy = lipstick (not that I wear the stuff )
    Roo = kangaroo
    Ute = utility truck
    Wot a blast = it was fun
    Kiwis = New Zealanders
    Fush and chups = fish and chips (written phonetically in NZ accent)
    Shooting through = leaving

    NB. Now you septic tanks know how us Aussies feel when we have to interpret YOUR slang!

  • Stephanus

    PS Utility truck = pickup truck
    Septic tank = Yank (rhyming slang - usually just "septic")

  • ozziepost


    He comes from Suriname; wot would he know about the land of Oz?


    When Prisca said:

    Now you septic tanks know how us Aussies feel when we have to interpret YOUR slang!
    she omitted to say that no-one on this planet can understand them when they talk! But we sure can HEAR them

    Ozzie (of the pure language class)

    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • outnfree

    This septic tank is going to ignore the barbs and say that she is really happy to know that you all had a blast!

    Also, is pleased to say that she understood all of Ozzie's post except the slab (= carton, thought it was a slab of ribs!!!) thanks to the excellent Aussie Language lessons which she diligently studied for just such an occasion!

    (of the using the long Memorial Day Weekend stateside to have a right fine barbie of my own class!!! )

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    G'day to you Ozzie and all you Aussie posters!

    I too understood your lingo thanks to Lessons 1-6 and Crocodile Dundee.

    So glad you had a successful and fun BBQ and the rain held off.. Nice to have a BBQ in the winter. We have to wear a parka and mitts and boots to BBQ in our winters here in Canuckland but we do it regularly anyway.

    Cheers to youse all!

  • ozziepost

    G'day Outnfree,

    Thanks for your gracious response. Good luck with your plans.


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

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