Does anyone else feel that those of us at an assembly are like the audience in an informercial ??? At the last circuit assembly, I noted the following:
1. When a person gives an experience, we all ooohhh and ahhhhh, smile, nod our heads, turn and look at the person next to us, and then start to clap.
2. When the speaker asks a question and modulates his voice at the end of the sentence, we clap.
3. At the end of the public talk, we clap.
4. When it is announced in the final talk on Sunday that there will be a 3-day assembly scheduled for next year, we oooohhhh aaahhhh and clap.
5. When asked later, we all say how much we enjoyed it and how interesting it was.
6. There is nothing spontaneous: everything has been rehearsed and rehearsed.
Having grown up in the borg, I never really noticed it before but it really is funny. We have been programmed to respond to the cues.
***** Rub a Dub