Watchtower November 15th "Can You Believe In A Paradisse Earth?"

by BluesBrother 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    This issue has a photo of the Earth on the cover, taken from space with the title question in bold type.

    I am no itellectual, but you do not need to be in order to throw some very basic criticisms at the writer

    The lead article opens with an "appeal to authority" argument, in that the poet John Milton believed that paradise would be regained , along with others in history such as Irenaeus of the 2 nd century

    "What happened to the hope of a paradise earth"

    Perhaps it went the same way as the belief in leeches to cure sickness, or that the Sun encircled the Earth

    "Why not examine what the Bible says about the subject?"

    Ok lets see.

    Over the next three pages, the article "You Can Believe in a Paradise Earth"

    We see that "Is it not wise to trust the Bible rather than theories of men?"

    It is stated that Adam and Eve lost paradise for mankind, then a lengthy rebuttal that "Material things are not inherently evil" ? I have never heard that they were

    The climax of the articles attempts to show the Bibles teaching . They have placed together a collection of scriptural verses , like a string of pearls , but they have no connecting thread , they are from totally different times and contexts

    Matt 6.9 ? 10 .Jesus teaching from the Sermon on the Mount, the Lords prayer

    Psalm 37,10-11, a song, credited to David many centuries earlier ,but are songs necessarily literal prophecies, or generalities in words of praise?

    Acts 24.15 , Back to the first century, the Apostle Pauls words before Felix, In which he does not mention the Earth

    Revelation 21.3-4, a book of signs and symbols , of which the meaning is ????

    We go on with five separate verses from Isaiah , which are applied literally to a future Earth even though he was writing about restored Jerusalem after 5 th century bce

    We conclude with Romans 8.21 , then "How wonderful it will be to live in the promised earthly paradise "Luke 23.43.Jesus words on impalement to the adjacent evildoer.

    Promised? Yes but by whom? Is it really in the Bible? In order to say so, one has to take all the separate texts and fit them together . it now reminds me of that book which discovered hidden mathematical codes in the bible . if you look hard enough you can see anything ?

    The promises are only from the WTBTS , not Gods word , I am sorry to say . Yet for so many years I , along with most of us believed passionately in all of this . We avowed we would die for it if called apon to do so. What a waste. .. I am getting angry now?..

  • rocketman

    A Paradise is something that I wouldn't mind seeing - it's just the jw version that irks me. Only jws around, all day every day, 24/7, Jehovah this and Jehovah would soon drive me insane.

  • ozziepost

    A very good topic, Bluesy!

    Ya know it always concerned me so that when I was delivering talks or going in field service and I couldn't really find much in the Bible about the earth. Of course, we were led to believe that the NT wasn't written for us but for "the 144,000" and so I used to rationalise it away. However I always have believed in the Bible and so it troubled me.

    I've come to the conclusion that the reason why it's not in the Bible is that it doesn't exist! The Christian hope is nowhere spoken of as being alive on a paradise earth but rather to be "with the Lord".

    As someone once said to me, "Why should I listen to the Watchtower? It offers me second-best!"

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • garybuss

    Never trust a man who uses a book he wrote as his authority.

  • DanTheMan
    "Is it not wise to trust the Bible rather than theories of men?"

    This is a classic example of a loaded question. It is not possible to answer this question directly without implying agreement with the writer's view of Biblical inspiration.

    Typical fallacious Watchtower methods, but their only audience these days is the dubbies so what do they care

  • Elsewhere

    For a long time I have wondered how the earth could be a "paradise" for everyone. If this paradise had more than one person in it, you could very quickly start identifying things that suit one person as "paradise conditions" but annoy the other person(s).

    If the "paradise" has things about it that some love and others hate, then the paradise does not really exist. I can only see two possible solutions... the mind of every person has to be forced into a state that would perceive the environment as "perfect"... basically ending up in a world of automatons. Another way... a unique paradise could be custom built for each individual... everyone in their own "fish bowl" who was surrounded by people and an environment who were adapted to suit the one person.

  • observador


    Never trust a man who uses a book he wrote as his authority

    How true!

  • invictus

    most of wt teachings and support from scriptures are as Ray Franz mentioned in his COC - mental gymnastics.

    even today I am embarased when I remember trying to explain to householder where in the bible it says that Jesus came in 1914 .


    that is very interesting thinking; I never looked from that perspective.thanks


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