I went and saw 'Mystic River' yesterday (it's my day off!). I went to the first showing (1:00 PM). I was the first one in the theater but I wouldn't be the last. The audience was made up mostly of elderly folks. Anyway...
The movie was very 'dark'. While not graphic, it does have some chilling scenes of child abuse. This movie touches on all of your emotions (especially anger and sadness), including a few laughs (very few). It's definitely not your typical 'Hollywood' movie.
Sean Penn's character scared me yet I still had sympathy for him for most of the movie.
Tim Robbins' character caused me to hate him for much of the movie.
Kevin Bacon's character was cool and smooth.
Lawrence Fishburn provided a few laughs as the "everyone's guilty" partner of Bacon.
This movie will be everything you'd expect (excellent acting, good and believable story) and NOTHING you'd expect (the ending and the plot twists).
Oh, and how can I forget the Savage brothers. Bad boy thugs they are in this movie.
Go see it, but be prepared to not walk out at the end of that movie with a smile on your face. It ain't gonna happen.