A fellow J-dub, that is? I know it's STRONGLY discouraged, I just wonder how much?
Anyone know of someone df'd or reproved for going to court against a JW?
by avishai 4 Replies latest jw friends
Stacy Smith
My dad had planned to sue a dub contractor that was also an elder. He filed the papers, they threatened him with "sanctions" but he didn't care. At the last minute the contractor showed up with money owed.
It's deeply frowned upon.. but I know of one experience where a brother threatened to take another MS to court over wages owed.
It didn't go that far, but this brother simply took goods to the value of in the end..... oh, and smashed the MS head through the car window.
.... In fact he has still got these goods in his house today ! hehe....
A fellow J-dub, that is? I know it's STRONGLY discouraged, I just wonder how much?
And i don't think you mean divorces do you? 'Cause that's when dubbs take each other to court too. I haven't seen anyone being reproved for that.
nobody told me
My ex-wife, still a good standing dub, stole my car and cash out of my business. When I spoke with the local elders they did nothing (the old we cant't get involed bullshit) I thought theft was a disfellowshipping offense? From a legal point it was considered grand theft auto. I had a lawyer who said I could have her arrested, chose not to because it was a divorce and I wanted out at that point. To make a long story short, months later the same jackass elders tried to encourage me to return to my wonderful friends at the kingdom hall I brought the same matter up and they told me I should have went to court and pressed charges if I felt that strong about it. MY question why didn't they at least investigate to see if theft was involved. Trust me if it was a charge of adultry they would be in your face right away. Thou shall not steal. The truth is she was going to stay a dub and I was leaving, so another cause of witnesses breaking Bibe Rules to protect their own.