truthlover: Has there been anything in writing sent out to the elders, co's re the stopping of the "ww building work yet?
The construction stoppage and problems will be explained in tradtional WT style. It will be covered in the new and improved "workbook" - the 2016 CLAM workbook, download at this link:
Almost the emtire workbook is about construction and page 5 gives an easy, simple Bible explanation for the construction stopping (*hint...royal decree...).
I doubt there will be an "official" announcement concerning construction issues. The workbook will explain it all. In terms even a child can understand. Easy peasy. Just find something in the Bibble. And add some pictures.
I think the WTS is even setting up for another "excuse"...check out page 4 and see why the building of the temple was stopped - *hint - bad guy. And then why the "temple" building was resumed. Ah..."repentance" allowed the temple to continue. I wonder who, in the WTS' higher echelons, did something wrong.