I really like this new CBS show - perhaps because it presents God talking to an ordinary ( and bewildered) teenage
girl. The actors are top notch and the plots - involving a Zen- like God - interesting. I guess I've always wondered
why an Almighty Creator used a book, repeatedly recopied by persons unknown, written by people we've never met,
and translated out of dead languages - when he could simply tell us personally what he wants.
It is this kind of heartfelt entertainment that the Theocratic Hierarchy knows nothing about. I find the show
more emotionally stirring than 3 dozen Service Meetings. This is just another piece of evidence to add to the
growing mountain that the sands are shifting under the Society's feet. The world is changing - often for the better
and they could all wake up one day soon to find the organization they thought was so impervious
has become irrelevant , without their notice.