OK, I am totally frustrated with these Jehovah Witnesses. They drove me out of the limit today when they said that Satan was not cast out of heaven and sent to earth until 1914. Im like, "WHAT THE HELL???" What is their freaking problem. How can Satan have tempted Adam and Eve and Jesus yet still be a celestial being???? Oh, and that's not it. They also claimed that the angels had sex with females during Noah's times (Gen. 6:1). I mean, are these people nuts? Oh, and the worst part is that I proved them wrong and they got mad at me and just didn't want to hear any more about it. They said they would research some more on that. I mean, what do you all think about this?
Going deeper into JW stupidities
by ClassAvenger 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They said they would research some more on that.
That is a stock JW response which really means:
"If we don't find it in a Watchtower publication, we won't believe it."
Oxnard Hamster
They also claimed that the angels had sex with females during Noah's times (Gen. 6:1).
Yeah, that bothered me as well. Their reasoning behind that is the race that was allegedly created as a result of human angels were bigger and stronger or whatever. Therefore, they reason that they had to have been produced by angels. Interestingly enough, the Bible NEVER EXPLICITLY states that angels took on the form of man and took wives. If the point is so important like JWs say, then I think the Bible would make it crystal clear.
You've learned a good "lesson in futility." Jehovah's Witnesses are no open to debate and argument. While you are presenting a point, all they are thinking of is how to overcome your argument. The statement that they will do further "research" only means they will go into the Watchtower publications to counter the points that you've made. It doesn't mean that they will seriously consider your point of view and change their minds.
Until a Jehovah's Witness begins to have some doubt in the credibility of the Watchtower Society itself, it is useless to argue with them.
Oxnard Hamster
That amazes me to no end mizpah. You would think they would have enough common sense to realize they are putting a group of men on the same level as God. But like they say, common sense isn't too common anymore.
I guess where they are trapped is the number and intensity of meetings. They are kept so busy that they don't have time to really stop and think about what they are learning.
I have another question. Am I mistaken or does it say somewhere in the bible that angels possess sexual traits? I always thought the angels were asexual (like the one in the movie "Dogma"). If they could fly down and nail the human chicks and create big-assed offspring then I am perplexed. And I know it even says ('cause Jesus said it) that there would be no marriage in heaven. Why?
If there's any truth to all this stuff (and I surely lean to the negative here as almost all else in the bible) then the angels were just makin a "booty call" on human babes, spawning mutants and going back to heaven. Sounds like (literally) the best of both worlds. You get to be an angel in heaven then you get to swoop down to earth when you get horny! And are there no female angels or are they just "fugly"? This sounds like the biblical equivalent to the inner-city problem plaguing single-mothers today. Ya think some of the absentee dads are angels?
Then try "how many angels fit on the head of a pin?"
"Why was Lazerus ressurected only to die again?"
Tammy's Twisted History
The Nephilim were a super race of hybrid angel/human. The sons of god materialized in human form to have relations with the daughters of men, but they didn't materialize good enough because their sperm cause these giants to be born. These violent bullies were part of the cause that Jehovah decided to drown them all in a global flood. That's kind of like hitting the reset button on your PC because you don't like the way a game of Freecell is going. Overkill, IMO, but hey, Old Testament Jah was a real drama queen.
So these Nephilim were really terrorizing the earth. Yet nobody wanted to escape them enough to join Noah and his family on the ark. I think this clearly shows that codependency was a common trait back then.
The flood came and killed them all except a few of the strongest swimmers. The bones of the drowned Nephilim have puzzled modern scientists. They gave them names like Cro-Mag and Neanderthal. The strong ones that survived the swim found that the climate after the deluge had taken a turn for the worse. To survive this sudden cold snap, they adapted by growing hair. Some were white and some were dark. The white ones moved to the Himalayas and were called Yeti (there is also one in the Matterhorn at Disneyland). The dark ones moved to the Pacific Northwest and were called Sasquatch.
Also after the flood, God prevented the demons from taking on human form any more. But the demons were still allowed to roam around in the heavens. There was no disfellowshipping back then, because Satan walked in to chat with God about Job. Some angels still had the power to materialize, so they came down to speak to Abraham and Lot. Lot offered up his daughters to the people of Sodom because he knew that if they got a hold of the angels, Nephilim could be the result, and he knew that would not be a good thing. Not only that, if the angels had been abuse victims, then they really would have to be disfellowshipped to uphold the tradition of shunning victims that goes on to this day.
In 1914 Jesus said, "Dad, you made a hell of a mess here. I'm cleaning house." So he kicked of the home makeover trend in reality TV by kicking the demons out of the heavens and casting them down to the earth. This made the demons mad, but now they were at least able to be with their kids, the Yeti and Sasquatch. Don't let it be said that Satan doesn't appreciate family values.
After cleaning up the heavens, Jesus wanted to do a makeover on the earth. "Nope!" said Jah. "Not the humans. Not yet, anyway. I'm not through messing with their minds. I want to see how many times I can get them to make false prophecies, and say things like 'Armageddon is just around the corner' and 'This old system can't get much worse.'"
Jesus said, "Cool! Can I watch?"
Country Girl
My Mother told me that the Greek Gods were actually the demons/angels that came down out of heaven and mated with the Greek girls (woo hoo! I might be descended from an angel/demon!) and had children. So ... the children that were born had super human strength, senses, etc. Really?
About the angels, yeah they are asexual. I think it says in the Bible that we will be like angels and we will not marry in heaven. That means that we don't get sex, but other people like Billy Graham says that if theres not sex, then there must be much greater pleasures (not sexual) that wouldn't compare to having sex. I mean, its really stupid how an angel would be tempted, sin, and go back to heaven to God's presence, and be considered a righteous one. If they did it, why not us? Ya see, so that didn't really happen. In Gen 6:1 the "children of God" refers to the descendants of Seth or better yet, to those who believed in God. The daughter's of men refers to those that were strangers to God and his holiness.