How are they gonna pull this one off?

by Oxnard Hamster 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I hear the Mother Organization needs a brand new printing press, complete with a $5 mil. price tag. My question is: Where are they going to get that kind of money? From my understanding, they have a hard enough time making ends meet as it is, or is that what they just let on to the grunts at meetings?

  • shamus

    By selling their property in Brooklyn. That's how. It'll also save them money in the long run... LOL!

    Corporate downsizing.

  • jayhawk1

    This post by Zev sums it up.,0,1905261.story?coll=ny-business-print

    Company Profiles NYC 50 September 22, 2003 # 34 (of 50)

    Brooklyn, 11201 718-560-5000

    Revenue: $951 million Industry: Publishing CEO: Don Adams Employees:
    5,227 (all volunteers); local, 3,000

    The Brooklyn print shop responsible for producing almost half of the
    books used by Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide will soon complete its
    final run. The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York printery
    that has produced more than 1 billion books since 1927 is slated for
    closure now that printing, binding and shipping operations will be
    moved to a Walkill, N.Y., location. Walkill's new bindery equipment
    will be able to produce hardcover books and deluxe Bibles at a rate of
    120 a minute.

    In May, Watchtower announced plans to sell the 1-million-square-foot
    building - just one of the buildings in the Brooklyn waterfront
    complex. "Perhaps this building will be used by others in a way that
    is compatible with the Brooklyn waterfront development," said Robert
    Alexander, a spokesman for Watchtower. The organization headquarters
    will remain.

    Watchtower says these changes will contribute to a streamlined flow of
    literature to its 12,000 congregations in the United States. The
    Jehovah's Witnesses' primary journal, The Watchtower, has an
    international circulation of 25 million in 147 languages.

    Don't worry, they have the money.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    This is off the subject, but do you go to KU? I did a couple of years ago, before I transferred to ESU.

  • jayhawk1

    Nope, I just love watching their sports teams. And I love Lawrence too, the most beautiful town in Kansas.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    By current estimates, just one apartment in the Furman St. building will sell for $5 million.

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