What about all those that died before November 01, 1995 generation switch ?

by run dont walk 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I posed this question to my family ................

    I said : "you all accept the "new light" and new explanations, fine so be it, but let me ask you this, does the Watchtower not owe an explanation to all those that went to their grave beleiving that the generation of 1914 would not pass away. I compare it to a drunk driver driving home, loses control hits a car and kills 5 people, he didn't mean to do it, it was an accident, well sorry, doesn't cut it, for the families that lost loved ones does it, and it turn the watchtower changing their ideas does not cut it for all those who have passed on, IF we could line up all the faithful JW's that died, and tell them 1914 was wrong or changed, what do you thik they would say."

    of course I got no response, they too will go to their grave defending the Wacthtower.

    any thoughts, hope I am making sense, it's late.


    Run Don't Walk: that is an excellent question.

    One that needs to be brought up. Repetition leads to retention.

    Thus, your question/post is an excellent one.

    Thank you RDW.

  • blondie

    Here are some related questions:

    What about JWs that had transplants between 1967 and 1980 and have since died? Will they be resurrected?

    After years of saying that the sheep and the goats were being separated, the WTS now says that is all yet in the future. Today the WTS says that non-JW people who die before Armageddon have the hope of the resurrection. What about the ones who died before 1995 who were condemned to Gehenna as goats?

    But the time when Jesus will pronounce final judgment on the sheep and the goats depicted in the parable is yet ahead. --WT 10/15/95 p 18-23


  • garybuss

    Hasn't every Witness to ever die, died believing error? Haven't all the group's beliefs changed, only leaving the "present truth"? Based on the past loss of items for belief, won't the "present truth" items be deleted too?

    Aren't the only things to survive the cut the disbeliefs? Aren't they disbelief in hell, disbelief in immortality of the soul, disbelief in the trinity? Isn't it easy to keep something constant that I don't believe in? Doesn't my disbelief require a believing group to even exist? How can a religion that can only keep it's disbeliefs be credible?

    This is what I want to give up a comfortable secure life for? Give up proper medical care? Give up my family, my friends, my leisure time, and eventually give up my life for?

  • JT
    IF we could line up all the faithful JW's that died, and tell them 1914 was wrong or changed, what do you thik they would say."

    while no one knows exactly what they will say, we do have some strong indicators in my view-

    you asked the question what would the jw who DIED say or do IF THEY knew the generation dogma was wrong or changed?

    well ask yourself this, "WHAT DO THE JW WHO ARE ALIVE NOW SAY OR DO"?

    over 6million folks are alived and have been told that the generatrion dogma is wrong, yet you and i have not seen a 20% 30% or 40% drop in publishers due to the change-

    so if the folks alive have not left wt, i find very little reason to believe that many jw who have died IF ALIVE would leave as well-

    keep in mind that JW are TRAINED TO LOOK FOR CHANGE

    how many times have you heard the phrase DID YOU HEAR ANYTHING NEW AT THE DISTRICT CONVEntion OR did you catch THAT NEW POINT IN LAST WEEKS LESSON

    so jw are trained to expect dogma changes and when they happy they happily accept it as NEW LIGHT FROM JAH

  • bikerchic

    RDW, good question and good answer! The "new light" which becomes "old light" then back to "new light".......I've often asked my JW family if they would parent their children the same way their heavenly father does, wishywashy not consistant parenting, bad! Like you I get the same blank stare and

    "of course I got no response, they too will go to their grave defending the Wacthtower."

    Like JH said:

    keep in mind that JW are TRAINED TO LOOK FOR CHANGE

    how many times have you heard the phrase DID YOU HEAR ANYTHING NEW AT THE DISTRICT CONVEntion OR did you catch THAT NEW POINT IN LAST WEEKS LESSON

    It seems to me that they live their lives looking for a change, makes me wonder why they would want to change perfection? Do you think maybe they suspect..........naaaaa couldn't be that something is wrong? LOL


  • Loris

    They are ok. They are dead. They are in the same boat with all those catholics who ate meat on Friday before the big change. Dead is dead. If and when there is a resurrection they will get the real truth about the mixed up mess called religion.

    It is the living, who as has been said, don't seem to notice change no matter what the stripe. They are conditioned to expect change. It is business as usual.


  • jws
    IF we could line up all the faithful JW's that died, and tell them 1914 was wrong or changed, what do you thik they would say.

    Being dead, I guess they wouldn't say anything.

    But assuming they were somehow ressurected into some new life, I don't think they'd really care. I assume if that sort of miracle happens, and they are chosen to come back, they aren't going to care much about how they got there. And hopefully God would reveal all truths at that time.

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