I posed this question to my family ................
I said : "you all accept the "new light" and new explanations, fine so be it, but let me ask you this, does the Watchtower not owe an explanation to all those that went to their grave beleiving that the generation of 1914 would not pass away. I compare it to a drunk driver driving home, loses control hits a car and kills 5 people, he didn't mean to do it, it was an accident, well sorry, doesn't cut it, for the families that lost loved ones does it, and it turn the watchtower changing their ideas does not cut it for all those who have passed on, IF we could line up all the faithful JW's that died, and tell them 1914 was wrong or changed, what do you thik they would say."
of course I got no response, they too will go to their grave defending the Wacthtower.
any thoughts, hope I am making sense, it's late.