What everyone else believes:[quote]That Christ is to come a second time was foretold by the prophets and by Christ himself, as well as the apostles and the angelsDan 7:13; Matt 25:31; Acts 3:20; Acts 1:10, 11It is called, among others,time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord,of restitution of all thingsand glorius appearing of the great God and our SaviourTit 2:13;Acts 3:19,21. The time thereof is unknown, but the signs which are to precede it are fully set outMatt 24:36. In his second coming Christ shall appear in the clouds, in his own glory and accompanied by angels
and his saintsMatt 24:30; Mal 16:27;Matt25:32; II Thess1:8; Matt 24:30; I Thess 4:16; Mark13:36. At his coming the heavens and earth
shall be dissovled and those who sleep shall rise, they who shall have died in Christ shall rise first, while the saints alive at the time shall be caught up to meet himIIPet 3:10, 12; I Thess 4:16, 17 The purposes of the second coming are to complete the salvation of saints, to be glorified in them, be admired by them that believe, judge the earth and reign over it after bringing to light the hidden things of darknessHeb 9:28, IIThess 1:10; I Cor 4:5; Ps 503,4; Rev20:11-13. The saints being assured of this second coming, love it, look for, await, haste unto, and pray for it. The will therefore be preserved unto it, shall be blameless at it, shall be like him, shall not only see him but shall reign with himJob19:25; II Tim 4:8; Phil 3:20; I Cor 1:7; II Pet 3:12; Matt 24:24; Matt 24:42,44; Phil 1:6; I Cor 1:8; Phil 3:21; I John 3:2; Col 2:4; Dan 7:27.The wicked who scoff at it and presume upon its delay shall be surprised by this second coming and shall be punished while the man of sin is to be destroyed.IIPer 3:3,4; Matt 24:48; Matt 24:37-39; II Thess1:8,9 from research done by G.Sandison