Hey, long time no see!

by Sirona 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Hi Everyone!

    I've been away from the forum for a while. I guess I needed to get JW's out of my system, 100%, once and for all. Plus there was that thing about the last apostofest which got me embarrassed....

    So after a great conversation on Sunday on the telephone with Fe203girl, I thought I'd say hello and post an update.

    Things are going great for me. I don't think about JWs that much anymore. My membership of the wicca group is going great (busy time of year just now...ha ha). In fact we're doing a special event for Mensa - they're having a halloween weekend and myself and two friends are holding a Wiccan ritual in the cellar where the Mensans can join in for their Halloween (Samhain) experience. (I'm hoping they'll be an interesting and not-too-skeptical bunch...)

    I'm also engaged. :-) and I'm going on a holiday of a lifetime pretty soon to Las Vegas!! My sister is getting married there by Elvis (its really him!)

    At the next apostofest you might not recognise me.... I have a fitness routine that involves weight training and a new *very* strict diet. I actually paid to see a personal trainer which was great. (eek! hasta la vista baby). Needless to say my fiance thinks my new firmness is great ;-)

    Let me know when the next bash is!



  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hey Sirona!!

    It was great chatting to you on Sunday, and nice to see you here too. I am looking forward to hearing all the plans for an aposto-wiccan wedding. Best wishes to Mr. Sirona!!

    Rach xx


    Welcome Back Sirona!!!!

    Congratulations on your engagement!!!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Hi, Sirona! I haven't met you yet, but Welcome Back.....I'm kinda new here myself...but enjoying JWD immensely....look fwd to reading your posts....Congrats on the engagement and the Vegas vacation!

    Frannie B

  • Jesika

    WOW it has been a while since I have seen you around.

    Thank you for the update........and CONGRATS on your life going as well as it is for you!!!!!!

    Vegas is great!!!!!!!!!!!! be SURE to catch the Blue Man Group show that is at the Luxor (pyramid) casino!!!! You wont be disappointed I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CONGRATS again on the engagement and getting in shape is always a good feeling isnt it?

    If you can.....post some pics of the wedding or the new you (or both)..........you know we all just love pics!!!!!!



  • Sirona

    Thanks for the welcome back everyone!

    Jesika, I will check out that show....although I suspect from the title that it may be slightly "naughty"??!


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