Convicted JW Elder (Davis) Calls JW Victim "A Liar" In Local Paper

by qua 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • qua

    Shall we believe a convict or the victim, and the answer is the victim. Jerk.

  • Valis

    This guy needs a big hole in the head...and talk about being unrepentant....

    Sunday, October 19, 2003


    Former church leader admits molestation
    Edward N. Davis denies allegation that abuse started eight years ago

    Nina Culver
    Staff writer

    Edward N. Davis, a former Spokane Valley Jehovah's Witness elder who pleaded guilty to a single charge of abusing a girl in his congregation, denies allegations that the abuse started when the girl was 10.

    According to court documents, the victim told police that Davis molested her several times beginning when she was 10 and spanning eight years.

    Davis, 40, admits to molesting her one time when she was 17 and pleaded guilty to a charge of second-degree sexual misconduct based on that incident. "I was never even charged with those (other) crimes," said Davis of the other incidents the victim reported.

    According to the victim's statement to police, the other incidents did not take place in Washington state.

    "At the time she was 10 -- it didn't happen anyway -- I was not an elder," he said. "I took a polygraph to show that I did not do that.

    "There's a big difference between an older girl and a teenager." ????????????????

    Davis refused to give any details as to what he did or did not do, saying he expects to be sued in civil court by the victim's family.

    "I'm not going to talk about what happened and when," he said. "I can't comment on exactly when it happened or how many times."

    In regard to the incident Davis admitted, court records say the victim told police that Davis groped her while she was driving a car and forced her to perform a sex act on him.

    Davis on Monday was sentenced to 90 days in Geiger Work Release Center and two years' probation. He also will be required to register as a sex offender.

    "I never denied that I did something wrong," he said. "I'm not going to blame anyone. The truth is, I should have known better."

    Davis was "disfellowshipped," or excommunicated, from the Jehovah's Witness Opportunity Kingdom Hall for six months. He is now back in the congregation, but not as an elder. "I never could be (an elder) again," he said.

    Davis also denies that he confessed to repeated sexual abuse of the victim in a telephone conversation with the victim's mother as court records indicated. "I never confessed to (the victim's mother)," he said. "All I did was apologize. I was embarrassed about what I did."

    The victim's family did not return a phone call seeking comment Saturday.

  • qua

    Also since I've used up by allowed 2 posts in two days, does anyone have information about the scheduled October 20 protest march at Calgary?

  • blondie

    Now this is a very typical response from a child molester. It is not surprising that they keep molesting.


  • qua

    That's what I thought, Valis, that is, repentant NOT! Get 'em out of there! Put them all into prison, not back out doing door-to-door preaching! Didn't Solomon says there's a time and a place for everything.

  • Joyzabel

    thanks for posting that info, qua.

    I just wanted to let you know you can "post" up to 30 times a day, you can only start 2 "threads" or topics a day. So you can still comment alot. Just wanted to point out the difference.

    I know someone will come along and clarify it exactly! hehe


  • willyloman

    Okay, so he's back in the congo as a publisher, not an elder. This means he can (unless he's on restriction, which would be temporary):

    • give talks from the platform
    • read the bible or other related materials at a public meeting
    • offer prayer on behalf of the group that is gathered for a meeting or field service
    • appear in a demonstration or part on stage

    And, of course, he can and in fact will be REQUIRED to go door-to-door and represent himself to unsuspecting householders of all ages as a nice, respectable, religious man and a minister of God. This door to door activity will mean at some point he will:

    • work alone when there is an odd number in the car group and other circumstances prevail
    • speak one on one to minor children at the door whose parents may not be home
    • keep written records of those "householders'" (or their children) that interest him
    • make arrangements to come back and "talk about the bible" with anyone who trusts him

    This is just great.

  • Gerard
    "I never confessed to (the victim's mother)," he said. "All I did was apologize. I was embarrassed about what I did."

    F&%#$# pig.

  • neverin

    This rang such a bell with me. I was molested at the age of 10 by my brothers 21 year old friend. At the age of 32 I confronted him and he swore blind that no way was I 10 but that it was more a case of mutual teenage fumblings. I asked this guy how old he thought he was when it happened and he said "about 17" then I asked him "how old are you now?" he replied "43" well I'm 32" I said " so if you are 11 years older than me and you were 17 then I was only 6 so that makes it worse". He really had convinced himself that he was 17 and I was a teenager!! I still cant decide whether he is a manipulator or if he had just managed to justify his actions to himself over the years.

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