WTS and Inheirtance....

by Xandria 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xandria

    The WTS and victims... yikes Grim indeed.

    Maybe's and I figured out where thousands of dollars went not to long ago. Our mom would borrow money from her father and the last time I spoke to him he gave me a tally. In seven years $100,000.00 .. Maybe's and I wondered where it all went..because it did not do us much good. We lived homeless for the longest time. We spoke about it and we figured it went to the WTS.


  • Poztate

    Ah the wolf at the door. What better way to describe the WT and how they treat people. It's not enough that they try to suck every penny they can out of you when you are alive.They just have to get that last "bite" out of you when you die. I believe that there is a deliberate effort from the WT. to actually make you feel guilty if you don't donate to them in your will. After all what better way to show "loyalty" to the org could there be than to give them most or all of your money when you pass on. This loyalty "might " even ensure your resurrection in the future.

    My Dad was this way.He had a very generous amount allocated to the WT. However shortly before he died the WT changed the "generation" teaching.Even though my Dad was very old( mid 80"s) he honestly thought that if he could hang on for" just a few more years" he would never die.He knew this was a promise from Jehovah so it could not fail.(see inside cover of older Awake mags).The change took all the fire out of him. He died less than a year later. I believe this change broke his spirit and will to live. When his will was opened we found it had been changed.The WT was no longer listed to get anything.I think at the end he finally saw the "light".

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