Does anyone have further details about the dissident True Faith Jehovah's Witnesses in Romania? I understand they left the Watchtower Society because someone in the organization betrayed them to the Communist Officials of that country. Is any more information on this group?
True Faith JWs - Romania?
by mizpah 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Many thanks for the information. It seems the Watchtower Society has shot itself in the foot on this one. It's encouraging to know that changes in the Watchtower's teachings has an effect on others in the world. But it is frightening to think TFJWs cite Rutherford as an authority. Good Lord!!!
And here is WHY they split,
Such teachings conveyed by the reviews, booklets and treatises, although in very different ways, got to be introduced through the "iron curtain" and sow a see which showed a real "sickness" of the Society. Then, in our minds turned up different questions concerning this difficult situation. Who really was that who modified so glaringly the pure teaching? Wasn't it an involvement of the communist Security? Some people pondered over this in this way but, could anyone really think that, actually, it was broken exactly from the middle of the organization, namely, Watchtower Society? Although, at the beginning, this proposal was feeble, by the passing of time, it proved to be the real one. Yes, Watchtower Society itself was publishing in this way the teaching and the situation which was after the falling of the communism, proved it abundantly. Thus could be seen the international existence of some "modern witnesses", who got to the slope of lies invented by Satan, ignoring the biblical truth; those who wanted to keep unchanged their position suffered a lot because of their "stubbornness" in the true faith. But, they were solaced watching trustfully Jehovah?s plan, who transmitted over the centuries, through the biblical prophecies, the reality they lived so intensively; THE MAN OF LAWLESSNESS: his appearance and development. It was not needed any other evidence as, the climbing of the Man of lawlessness was so well described in 2 Thess. Chapter 2.
After the falling of the communism in the year 1989, our desire of unity had a special echo in some other countries and, those who were considered by others as being out of existence, insignificant, appeared heartening us through their position, similar to ours. Our duty of making known the pure truth, comparatively to the religious doctrine of the false Jehovah?s Witnesses, joined us in an International Congress.
This booklet has precisely the mission of rendering loyally the debates which took place at the Congress entitled: ?GIRDLE YOURSELF AND TELL THE TRUTH? from May 2, 1992, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.So there you have it.......we NOW have ....'the real truth"
A good friend of mine was recently in Romania and visited these JW's. He attended the convention and spoke with the leaders of this group. There were approxiamtely 30-35,000 who attended. This group is worldwide, with congregations in the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa and other areas. NOT ALL go by the name "True Faith." The group in Africa call themselves I believe United Kingdom of God or something like that.
I have been in contact with both groups in the past. The group in Africa which is wel organizem left in the 1920s, and hold to some similiar beliefs. There somehwre between Russell and rutherford, yet to do not acknowledge neither Russell, Rutherford or the Society.
I`ve read about this group before, but for me there is no more true faith within organized religion or movements. After jw experience, I cannot trust that anyone, no matter how honest and pure in their attempts , can give any definite answers. And I stay away from those who are exclusive in their plan of salvation - either you follow us or else...
I belive that relationship with God is a personal experience for each individual ,however they choose to define it,and not something to be transfered into words or make as a low or dogma.
and I would agree invictus, however, we are adminished to not forsake the gathering of ourselves together, thus fellowshipping with others and studying God's word is essential to have that relationship with God and Christ!