What the society is saying in the Dec15,2003 issue of the wt.ie.'sence of urgency' is nothing new.They are not the only ones crying out about our times being the last days as they claim.
IE.Dr.Billy Graham in Approaching Hoofbeats-----The Four Horsemen of the Apocalyse:"The Bible teaches that there will be a number of signs that are easily discernible as we approach the end of the age.All these signs seem currently to be coming into focus.
Hal Lindsey in The Late Great Planet Earth:Jesus pinpointed the general time of his return,signs such as religious apostacy,wars,famines,etc.
Seventh Day Adventist author Robert H.Pierson in a sub-heading of his book Good-bye Planet Earth:"The Phenomenal increase of war,crime ,violence and fear are all signs of Jesus's second coming!"
The Worldwide Church of God:"All signs point to the fact that we are living in the time of the end of this present civilization!"
The society in the WT.Feb.1st,1985.There has been nothing to compare throughtout the centuries what has been taken place since 1914 a momentous year.
So,the Dec.15th,2003 wt.issue which has a two week study in it is not to be taken seriously,ie.keep on the watch,sence of urgency,is same old same old stuff.
Carl Olof Jonsson-Wolfgang Herbst book,"The Sign of the Last Days When? Presents thoroughly documented evidence debunking the cries of certain voices and their claims that these are the end times,throughout the centuries there have been worse times than what we see in our day since 1914.
Blueblades, waiting for Blondie's take on these two study articles.