by SolidSender 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SolidSender


    Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:37:28

  • TheBitterTruth

    Hi SolidSender:

    ... To me you all seem to be vessels of a rather precarious, fragile, man made ideology.-SolidSender

    I can truly understand your concern about anyone "teaching" anything these days from the Bible, since Jehovah's Witnesses have had such a horrible experience with the WTS...I presume you have had at least some dealings with them. This I can understand.

    Whether what I have, teach, present here on this forum, give the "ring of truth," or not, is a ultimately, a personal matter that only the individual can decide for himself.

    If what I teach proves to be "man-made ideology," then, guess what, ... it will not stand...it will not stand the "heat" of scriptural Biblical cross-examination, as has been proven of the WTS publications and the cross-check work of RV Franz, Carl O. Jonnson, and E. Dunlap.

    So, after reading and checking the references, and still, you truly feel that way, then, I can accept that fact. I have no doubt, that I will convincingly be proven wrong...whether you do it, or someone else...I have no doubt about that. I will be proven SCRIPTURALLY WRONG.

    So, then, I will not condemn you for not agreeing with me. No but, in fact we can "disagree and still be agreeable" toward one another. And that goes for everyone else on this board. That's the Christian Law of Love towards our brother.

    Believe me, I'm no ones "enemy" here. My time is limited since I have to work for a living, as so many others here. I'm not a paid "minister" like members of the Bethel staff. I have to work for everything I get...feed, clothe myself, my household...and so on, just as you brothers. And that is not easy, I kid you not.

    However, when I have time, and I just occasionally drop by, sometime I may decided to post, if I think I have something to say. I post, knowing that any and everything I write, is subject to close scrutiny and cross-examination. (I started back in 1993 on Compuserve...so I'm used to criticism... believe me...:-) )

    As you are aware as well as myself, indeed, Jehovah God has given all of us a mind and heart...and A christian "law," the christian "law of love," that is supposed to be written there...precisely there on our individual "minds and heart." To be sure, God's Word, the Bible, the Holy Scriptures, in which you and I, I'm sure, firmly believe is inspired, has been given to us, to mankind, to help us make the proper decisions as to what is "right" and "wrong", from a christian point of view in this life.

    We must then, always, use this primary "tool" to make all of "our" decisions, must base all decisions on whats in the Bible, God's Word of truth...as mature christians should...make every decision of life upon it, even the most important ones on religious matters..using that Gift.

    So I don't really resent any thing you have said above...really I don't. In fact, I understand what you've said quite well, and can agree, that we all need to be quite careful, these days...So, the above comments then, do not offend me at all.

    In fact, all I see, is a "loyal" brother, who is trying to protect JAH's NAME, against those who would attempt "deceive" His people. Now, perhaps I am wrong there...but thats what I believe of you, so far, unless you prove different.


    All I ask of my christian brothers is this... if you think I have erred somewhere, in speech or word, and you feel you have the scriptural answer,
    to clear the matter up, then please, bring it to my attention, and I can make the necessary "self-correction." That's all I ask.

    This can be done out in the open, on the forum, or you can e-mail me privately, since my e-mail address is listed. I base this upon Matt. 18:15.

    Other than this, I think that you and I have already many, many things in common that we can we agree on ....some things of serious and major importance...like what has happened at the WTS and all, for example.

    ...I detect in you, complete and uncompromised loyalty to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ...I can sense that in your writings.

    I feel the same way, too.

    So, if you don't agree, then, you don't agree...I know very few people who agree anyway, on everything...very few.

    And if you have a scripture...let's hear it...I'm all for it. Opinions....hmmmm...I'll entertain too, but it doesn't override scripture, though.

    And finally, if you think I am, truly wicked, a "false prophet," or "false apostle," then, I am sure there are many "capable" brothers on this forum, yourself included, that are fully able and willing to prove me so...of course, using the Bible as their source, as Jesus recommended we do to modern-day, so-called, self appointed christian/"apostles/"prophets." -- see Rev. 2:2

    But I can say this to you...if you keep listening, and check behind me, examine what I say, in the light of the example we find in the first century christian-Beroeans, at Acts 17:11, you may find that a unique "blessing" may, may, may be in store for you...but that's if you keep listening...but...its up to you...

    Take Care My Friend,


    Jehovah's Witnesses, God's Name People -- Destined to "Fall" and Be "Restored" According to Bible Prophecy -- Isaiah 30:26; Jeremiah 23:19, 20

    Edited by - TheBitterTruth on 19 July 2000 17:6:36

  • SolidSender

    BT - cool. Let's follow this down the main forum thread? My response to yours above is there. I posted in two places as I was serious about you receiving the message.-SolidSender

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