I thought the peeps might want to have a look...
District Overbeer
by Valis 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought the peeps might want to have a look...
District Overbeer
From the next page..
Sincerely,90 Paul v. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., 819 F.2d 875, 877 (9th Cir, 1987).
The court went on to describe how such a person would be treated:
[A shunned person] visited her parents, who at that time lived in Soap Lake, Washington. There, she approached a Witness who had been a close childhood friend and was told by this person: "I can't speak to you. You are disfellowshiped." Similarly, in August 1984, [defendant] returned to the area of her former congregation. She tried to call on some of her friends. These people told Paul that she was to be treated as if she had been disfellowshiped and that they could not speak with her. At one point, she attempted to attend a Tupperware party at the home of a Witness. [Defendant] was informed by the Church members present that the Elders had instructed them not to speak with her.
District Overbeer
Interesting, Valis.
I visited this same site when I was researching an English paper I did on whether or not clergy should be required to report child sexual abuse, and whether doing so would violate the separation of church and state.
Such cannot be done under this legal rule, as the moment a person resigns from the church, the church loses any ability to announce their exclusion.95
Ya Right! There are many who have DA'd themselves by submitting a letter of resignation from said cult. The WT does not fear any lawsuit from the shunning done to those people. They have big gun lawyers who will run right over the fool that trys.
Maybe someday the laws will change.