How can I get my hands on a Kingdom Interlinear? A JW friend said that they weren't in print any more, so he made a special order to get the book, but he said that he couldn't give it to me, just lend it. Is there any way I can make a special order for that book? Anyone in here still attend the meetings and is an active Jehovah Witness?
Kingdom Interlinear
by ClassAvenger 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Try looking on ebay. I've seen them for sale on there.
Go to:
Scroll down to the section that reads: Watchtower Bibles, Indexes and Reference
Randy has two of them for sale.
They are in print, and can be had thru the congregations. Why not ask someone you know in stead of buying them at a high price? At eBay, if you are unsuccessfull elsewhere, they don't cost much - because they are still in print.
Hi CA,
I've been trying to get one for a few years...I guess I have to pay some high price for one....??? My family doesn't seem to want me to have one. I am 100% sure that if I was asking for a book that taught jw doctrine, instead of a book that proves that they are wrong.....I'd have 250 books by now and a study to boot. You are not the only one to be told by a member that it is no longer being published. I dunnooooo....
I bought one some years back from a Watchtower stand just outside Town Hall Station. Sure, I had to wait about a week before it came, and the old bloke who sold it to me smeared his earwax all over it, but it came, nonetheless.
Stephanus, of the "not sure if you can buy a copy without some old guy's earwax" class.
Get a friendly neighbor or whoever to ask the JWs for one next time they call at the door -- they can be got specail order through the congregations -- donation basis - -so should cost very little -- if you really struggle pm me and I will get you a copy -- I have two personal copies already