I've just recently entered into (another) karaoke contest. I've been in quite a few, but have never placed first despite the fact that I can usually wow an audience. The thing is, I've mostly seen women win these things. Some skank will get up on stage, sqeak out "I'll Always Love You" and get first prize. I've only seen a man win these things twice - one was a horrid opera singer, and one sang like a backstreet boy (it was a very small contest in a Legion). The highest I've ever place in one of these things is third (in the Legion contest).
Here's a fact - women and men have two different types of voices. Women have pretty voices, while men have masculine voices, except for backstreet boy wannabes, but their voices still aren't as pretty as women's voices.
I can't sing "I'll Always Love You", and frankly I hate the song, but I can do a real mean Axl Rose, but that doesn't count for shit.
So I've made the semi finals. There I was at the bar where I entered, and they're taking entries until December. In walks this girl I only see when there's a contest. She's got the head of a cabbage, and big breasts. I remember one particular contest she won. She outdid a friend of mine named Gloria. Now Gloria is in her fifties, and she's got an excellent voice. But that squeeky cabbage head got up, sang "I'll always Love You" shaked her breasts a little for the male judges, and won first prize. She's no picnic to talk to either. She sounds like a cross between a valley girl and an old woman.
I'm always trying to figure out a strategy in these stupid contests where I can at least place, but it's incredibly difficult when you have 6 squeeky cabbage heads singing "I'll always love you". I think it's time for me to pull "My Boy Lollipop" out of retirement and sing it in a chipmunk voice. It's not the prettiest thing you'll ever hear, but I'll recieve better audience responce than those squeeky cabbage heads.
My final thoughts? Men and Women should be in different categories.